The Scorched Earth Far Right Economics of David Storobin

DAVID STOROBIN: The above point is hard for most people to understand. They naturally feel sorry for all those losing their jobs. But without people losing jobs, we would not have had the Industrial Revolution, replacing farmers with technology, and neither would we see other great advances, from automobiles to computers, which all results in job losses.

What will these people do? They will be transferred… or they'll find another job. Easy for me to say, right? Right, and it is since I won't be the one affected. But that does not make the above false.

The time has come to discuss the economic and fiscal policy of David Storobin.

Basically, I can sum it up thus.

David Storobin  favors a massive change in policy which will result in a huge transfer of wealth from the poor and middle class to the rich.

1) He strongly favors the elimination of progressive taxation in favor of a flat tax in which everyone will pay the same rate.

This might appeal to the unwary, who believe, not always incorrectly, that the rich take advantage of loopholes which allow them to actually pay a lower rate of taxation than that apparent in the graduated tax table.

But, here’s the trick:

2) Storobin’s flat tax would only cover income he defines as taxable.

And that’s where the second part of the Storobin double whammy comes.

Storobin  would completely exempt from taxation all capital gains.

Taken together, these measures would makes sure that those who worked every day for their money paid more in taxes than those who had the wealth to have their money work instead of them.


3) Further, Storobin condemns anyone who advocates differently policies as Jew Hating Nazis

From his Facebook page:

David Storobin: Wall Street Occupiers admit that when they say 99% should take money from 1%, at least some of that means confiscating Jewish property. Hitler would be proud of them. Anti-Semitism tainting Occupy Wall Street protests

4) Storobin is obsessed with cutting the tax burden on the wealthy, and calls anyone who disagrees a Communist (which, in fairness, is a step up from a Nazi); from his Facebook page:

      David Storobin: According to Associated Press, people making $50,000 pay 2.6 times higher percentage of their salary in federal taxes than people making $30,000. People making over a million pay 5.1 times higher percentage. Again, not 5.1 times more money, but the percentage itself is 5.1 times higher. Yet Obama says that the rich pay less than the poor.

David Storobin: Yeah, let's fight the people who became successful. Let's vilify them. Let's confiscate more and more from them, always claiming that they are not paying enough. That worked out so well in the Soviet Union, China, Vietnam, North Korea, Cuba, etc!

David Storobin: I can kind of understand other people supporting leftist policies, but how is it possible for Russians to support this economically illiterate demagoguery? Hasn't the Soviet experiment been lesson enough?! Or is the liberal brainwashing in college so efficient that nobody remembers why Soviet citizens moved to the United States, and not the reverse?

5) Further, Storobin’s idea of an economic model is Hong Kong:

STOROBIN: Hong Kong maintains no minimum wage, no national health program, no Social Security, no union-boosting laws, no unemployment benefits, and almost no welfare. Just 1.2% of the GDP goes to helping the poor. And yet, life expectancy is higher than in the United States and infant mortality is roughly the same. With just 0.1% of the world's population, in 1997 when China took over, Hong Kong was the world's 8th largest international trader and 10th largest exporter of services

6) Storobin believes in the Laffer Curve  and the other manifestation of supply side voodoo economics which have led us to massive deficits.

7) Storobin is such an anti-tax ideologue, that he opposes taxes which cause no pain to New Yorkers.

The hotel tax is most notable for being paid for almost entirely by people who don’t live in New York City, or by people violating the halachic prohibition against fornication. It was up for renewal, and since it had obviously not hurt our booming tourist trade, extending it seemed a no-brainer, so naturally those with no brains were opposed.

Some excerpts from Storobin’s Facebook Page:

David Storobin via Storobin for Senate: When in doubt, Lew Fidler wants to raise your taxes. New York City considers hotel tax hike | The Real Deal | New York Real Estate News


·     David Storobin via Storobin for Senate: Councilman Lew Fidler is looking to raise New York City taxes. Lew Fidler urges a vote to continue the hotel tax

Colin Campbell: ‎"keep them high" could perhaps be a more charitable interpretation

David Storobin: As of November, the taxes were supposed to be a certain percentage as per the original law. He wants to these taxes higher than they are scheduled to be. Seems like a tax hike to me. But either way, the solution to budgetary problems is never to cut waste or crack down on fraud. Once a government program is introduced, it becomes holy and to even review their effectiveness means people like Fidler will smear you as someone who wants to starve the elderly and kill babies. Politicians must all be geniuses since every time they invest money, the investment is absolutely perfect and can never be re-considered. Clearly no businessman is as smart as these politicians!


      David Storobin via Colin Campbell: Fidler says he "can't think of anything stupider" than to keep the hotel tax at the rate originally agreed to by the law, instead wanting it at the old high rate. Instead of raising taxes, how about cutting useless programs? I can't think of anything stupider than raising taxes in a down economy, further destroying business. Lew Fidler explaining the hotel tax

David Storobin: Every business owner comes to a point when he realizes that certain expenses are wasteful and need to be cut, but the government can never admit that anything is ever wasteful. Every program becomes holy and if any program is cut, leftist radicals tell us that the elderly will starve and children will die. Cut the waste, Lew, cut it before you harm our travel and hotel industry!

Nowhere in the dozens of posts on his Facebook page does Storobin ever name even one State or City program he wants cuts (other than general calls to reduce “waste”). Nor did he do so in his campaign.  

In sum, David Storobin is a radical who fundamentally want to take money out of your wallet, give to the people who need it least, and libel you for calling him on it.