The Gateway (Hallloran at the Top of His Lungs Edition)

Dan Halloran's announcement for Congress will be a colorful ceremony, featuring the ritual sacrifice of a malingering Sanitation worker.

Don't worry though; like Dan's qualifications, the Sanitation worker doesn't actually exist.


And I can’t wait for the part of the speech where Dan states we must not judge a person by the color of their skin, but rather by the shape of their eyeballs.  Dan Halloran Announcing Congressional Run Monday




There are so many little factual errors in this "think piece" about local politics that one could send hours throwing darts at it, but I really cannot blame the author since he only acted as a Dictaphone recording the gems pouring forth from the pyorrheac mouth of Gary Tilzer. As I've outlined, this is about cultural and demographic changes far larger than the decline of any local political orgainizationsState Senate Race Spotlights a Feeble Democratic Party





He may be a Republican, but it's hard not to like Richard Hanna. Richard Hanna, GOP Congressman, Tells Women To Give Their Money To Democrats




If Arlen Specter really wanted to help Richard Lugar, he would have endorsed his primary opponent. Specter: 'Vote for Dick Lugar'




I'm just surprised they still make Etch a Sketch's. How Does An Etch A Sketch Work, Anyway? – Forbes




Chait lays it on the line: "In every other advanced country, the provision of universal access to medical care is a public responsibility. In every other advanced country, this principle has been accepted by the mainstream conservative party. Only in the United States does the conservative party uphold the operating principle that regular access to doctors and medicine should be denied to large chunks of the population. This sort of barbarism is unique to the American right." The Barbarism of the Health-Care Repeal Crusade




I have a great many problems with the latest incarnation of Peter Beinart (I was a big admirer of the 2006 model), including the fact that his new book focuses solely on obstacles to peace created by Israel while for the most part blithely ignoring the (I believe) greater obstacles set up by the other side.


Frankly, I don't think I agree with Beinart’s conclusion in favor of a territories-only boycott, though I don't think it can be dismissed, like BDS (Bash, Destroy, and Savage Israel) inspired efforts taking place at institutions like the Park Slope Food Co-op, as an inherently offensive piece of Jew-bashing.

But any doubts that Beinart is not only a Zionist, but a useful one, are wiped away by articles like this. Why Israel Is Not an Apartheid State




Not for nuthin, but someone's got to tell Andrew Sullivan and Jeffrey Goldberg it really isn't all about them.




My pseudonym hasn't been one for quite some time, but here are both sides of the anonymity argument.

Conclusion: they’re both correct. The Virtues Of Anonymous Blogging