The Gateway (Amboy Douche Edition)

So, polls show that about 45% of the country supports a candidate who opposes any sort of tax increase under any circumstances, and about 45% supports a candidate who might consider some level of revenue enhancement to pay for vital infrastructure and other future-minded spending.

This presents a conundrum.

Tom Friedman's solution is to divide the sane vote between multiple candidates and facilitate the return of the Flat Earth Society.

I will no longer apologize for my joke that we should run over Tom Friedman with a Lexus and hang him from an olive tree. One for the Country     




The Green Party: the left version of Tom Friedman style stupidity. Green Party Candidates File for Many New York Congressional Races  




Chait: The difference between the parties is that the GOP is totally beholden to business, while the Democrats are totally beholden to both business and labor. OK, that’s a bit flip and not an entirely accurate portrayal of what Chait is saying; but it does make the point that one of the Parties is narrow and the other, whatever its flaws, is pluralistic.  Romney: Obama Is a Divisive Union Lackey   




Although Obama’s having once eaten dog meat (as well as snake and grasshopper) is an old story, and not really comparable (he was, at the time a child, pretty much forced to try it by an adult—possibly along with broccoli, and he did not like it) to strapping your pet to the roof of a fast moving vehicle, it's really hard to spin this story well, although it seems rather conclusive proof that the President is not a Muslim.

Can't wait to hear what Gail Collins has to say.

Bye bye Seamus, we hardly knew ye boy. Revelation Made by President 17 Years Ago Shakes Campaign: Obama Ate Dog!   




The best way to understand Ted Nugent is to take him at his word:

"But please realize You’ll probably be surprised For it's the land unknown to man Where fantasy is fact So if you can, please understand You might not come back" 
Ted Nugent Explains Himself      




As I've said before, Anthony Weiner was a very effective spokesman for a certain agenda–that agenda being Anthony Weiner. Anthony Weiner Is Egomaniacal, TV Obsessed: Book    




Until Dov Hikind explains the contents of his initial Red Book bio his inital Red Book bio, I really don't want to read another word he has to say. Dov Hikind, The Book  




Ruben Sr. clearly prefers Erik Dilan to Nydia Velazquez, providing here with the material, motive and opportunity for a targeted mailing announcing his endorsement to selected constituents. Diaz Sr. Goes After Congressional Incumbents Across The Board    




Non-story of the day:

Mike Nussbaum being a louse predates 2012. FOR MENG CONSULTANT, A HISTORY OF VOTE-SPLITTING | City and State    




Interesting analysis by Gary Tilzer of the big picture in Brooklyn politics, although I will be dubious of his speculation that Sylvia Kinard’s pathetic campaign for Congress is a County operation until I am provided with further proof.  

And btw, what happened to the deleted part of the story [As initially posted, the story said “There is also growing evidence he is using a second team (Like the Golub operation in Queens) made up of Gadfly's election lawyer Mitch Alter…to go after Congresswoman Clarke.”] where Tilzer names his old comrade in arms, Mitch Alter, as Vito Lopez’s co-conspirator?.

My favorite part here is where Tilzer rightly brands the New Kings Democrats' obsession with electing County Committee members as silly.  

My least favorite part?  

Well, Tilzer points fingers at others for acting as Vito's agents, but fails to acknowledge how in 2009 he and (another "reform" “hero,” Morgan Pehme) managed a campaign for City Council for the President of a regular Democratic Club (and Community Board District Manager) who had been encouraged to run by Vito in the hopes of stealing votes from Diana Reyna. 

How does that make Gary any different from Mitch Alter and his “second team”? True News: Brooklyn Boss Vito Lopez Tet Offensive On Everything He Does Not Control    




I suppose congratulations are in order for Morgan Pehme on his new job, but I have to be dubious about a news organization hiring as Editor someone who, without a shred of evidence, would loudly, publicly and hysterically condemn the laudable effort to save taxpayers a tremendous amount of money (by changing the law so that the State can hold the primaries for the legislature and some local public and party positions on the same day as the US Senate and Congressional primaries) by calling such efforts a "brazen, dictatorial power grab by Vito Lopez” and a “tactic we are used to seeing employed by third-world tyrants.”

I bet I've seen my last link from Chris Bragg. City & State hire Morgan Pehme as editor-in-chief    




Dorian Gray does not survive his picture.

This has gotta be a bad day for hCouncilman Michael Nelson. Dick Clark dead at 82 – Celebrity Circuit – CBS News