The Gateway (Barron My Teeth Edition)

Barron (on the anti-Barron minyon): None of the people who were there represent any part of my district. 

Gate: That's right; none…Except for Nadler, Weinstein, Cymbrowitz and Nelson.  Also, Ed Koch, who used to represent all of it.

I think what he meant to say is that all of the people who were there are Jews.  Pols: Charles Barron Too Bigoted To Go To D.C.   




Right wingers are already licking their lips over the prospect of a Barron victory. N.Y. Democrats Poised to Nominate Former Black Panther, Anti-Israel Radical for Congress  




Comparing Barron to a snake is disgusting.

Ed Koch owes the snakes an apology. The Yeshiva World VIDEO & PHOTOS: Koch, Greenfield, Nadler, Hikind, Weinstein, Cymbrowitz, Nelson &.    




Now both candidates in the 8th CD have been endorsed by a mediocre member of Congress. Yvette Clarke To Back Hakeem Jeffries | City & State    




Barron says his foreign policy positions should only be discussed in private where the public can't hear them.

I have to admit, that might be an improvement.  Charles Barron Dismisses ‘Anti-Semitic’ Press Conference As A ‘Distraction’  




In criticizing Barron, Kahanite Hikind shows far more concern for the political rights of Arabs than he's every previously displayed.

Barron responds by essentially admitting that he regards Arabs as lesser humans to his own kind, and that Arab rights are unworthy of even discussing, unless it helps him to slap Jews one upside the face.  Hikind: Barron Supporters Syrian Dictator, Too | City & State   




I shed no tears for this Assyrian strumpet; even if she gets tossed out of Columbia, she can always get a job as Charlie Barron's press secretary. Columbia told: Boot Bashar babe    




Gotta give Nachman Caller credit; in the end, Nachman's always consistent. He will soon hold the Brooklyn Crown in “The Jeff Gottlieb, folding under duress competition.”  David Storobin Announces Reelection  in ‘Super Jewish’ District.