The Gateway (Free Beer Edition)

Room 8 Comment of the day:

Help Ben, Hurt Mitt

Submitted by Google Ad-Dict (not verified) on Thu, 06/14/2012 – 5:41pm.

The Google ads on the right hand side of the page are for the Mitt Romney campaign. Click away and help Room 8 (and maybe Gatey will get paid!–beers at Pete's for everyone1) while spending Mitt and Sheldon Adelson's money. It's like Chanuka in June! Click early, click often as I say!    




I have in some areas of public policy expressed support for informed consent, but among the problems with informed consent for fracking is that the potential environmental problems do not restrict themselves to those who've availed themselves of the option (we won't even talk about the environmental justice issues). Hydrofracking Under Cuomo Plan Would Be Restricted to a Few Counties    




Nick Pinto proves himself a willful liar.

On 6/13/12, in his hagiography of Congressional candidate George Martinez he said:  

“There are a lot of reasons to bet on Velázquez in this race. Her new district shares a lot of turf with the one she has had locked down through 10 terms, she's firmly ensconced in Brooklyn's Democratic machine politics…” 

Some people emailed me, defending Pinto on the grounds he may have been either too lazy or two stupid to figure out that “the machine” actually opposed Velazquez.  

But it turns out that Pinto already knew this and lied in his article.  

On /6/12 Pinto had already written:   

"There's no question that the Martinez campaign is a long-shot, up against three other candidates including 20-year incumbent Nydia Velazquez and machine-backed City Councilor Erik Dilan."  

I’d call this pretty conclusive proof that Pinto purposefully distorted what he knew to be true to help his candidate. NY1 Freezes Congressional Candidate George Martinez Out of Debate, May Reconsider    




Verdict: Crowley is an economic illiterate; Lancman lies about Meng's positions, and Meng still hasn't explained why she thinks people making over $110,000 should be paying a smaller share of their income to Social Security than those who make less.

And all of them are still better than Halloran, who would just apply voodoo economics (literally). Meng, Crowley and Lancman have an argument about Social Security, and how far $110,000 gets you | C    







More proof that Robert Mittman's campaign is a fictitious creation of the Queens County Democratic Organization.

Running confusion candidates makes sense only when there are multiple races on the ballot, so that a voter drawn by one race, who might be tempted while he's in the booth to vote for a candidate in a different race based on perceived ethnicity, gets a different option to draw his vote.

But in this case, there's only one race on the ballot.

Which means that the only remaining mystery concerning Mittman and his connection to The Boys From Austin Street is why they even bothered. Mittman's Attorney A Huge Fan Of The Queens Democrats    




Those close to the President signal their worry that having Barron as a Democratic nominee for Congress would hurt the party nationally.

Remember, you first heard that from me  in 2006. Obama Camp Signals Opposition To Brooklyn's Barron    







This article inadvertently creates a false impression which I thought was worth clarifying.   

NewTop of Form 5 Storobin staffer Machman Mostofsky, a far right wing ideological fanatic, has very different politics from his Judicial candidate father Steve, who had been one of Lew Fidler's most prominent Orthodox supporters, and whose politics have always been pragmatic, moderate and concerned with matters like social justice.  

Colin Campbell: Steve actually kicked Storobin off the School Choice line Former Top Simcha Felder Aide Joins David Storobin’s Office | City & State Top of Form 7