The Gateway (Alla Pometko Nostalgia Edition)

Russians found to be apathetic about turning out in the Barron/Jeffries race.

Where is Alla Pometko when you need her? Black Firebrand Vies in Heavily Jewish District    




Tilzer puffs Davidzon (recently found to be so effective on behalf of Lew Fidler) as the cure for Hakeem’s white enthusiasm.

Hesh Rabkin: Is Davidzon paying for Tilzer's shirt? True News: A Press Conference against Barron Speaks to Wind  




Tablet has a good summary of the Barron problem, although I'm not sure one really should really object to Charles calling out Thomas Jefferson for playing "Lay Down Sally." 

Unlike Barron’s lies about Jimmy Carter, the Jefferson comments are arguably true.  

However, Tablet’s hits at David Dinkins and the Times editorial Board (as opposed to the Times’ “Local") are somewhat unfair.

The Barron endorsements complained of were from 97, before the Barron paper trail really existed (all of his objectionable statements cited in the article are subsequent). Plus, Barron was then running against Priscilla Wooten, a sub-moronic hack incumbent, and people, being offered an alternative for once, let their guards down. Charles Barron Praises Hamas, Qaddafi, and Mugabe—and Just Might Represent Brooklyn in Congress –. Tablet Magazine – A New Read on Jewish Life   




This is from MoveOn.

MoveOn !?!

"This is the kind of thing we’ve come to expect from the most offensive tea partier. Those tea partiers, frankly, don’t belong in Congress. And neither does Charles Barron." MoveOn Comes Out Against Barron    







BARRON’S IDEA OF CLEVERNESS: Getting an endorsement from Hakeem’s uncle Leonard 

REAL CLEVERNESS:  Getting Hakeem’s uncle Leonard to endorse Hakeem.  







Gate: Running confusion candidates makes sense only when there are multiple races on the ballot, so that a voter drawn by one race, who might be tempted while he's in the booth to vote for a candidate in a different race based on perceived ethnicity, gets a different option to draw his vote.

But in this case, there's only one race on the ballot.

Which means that the only remaining mystery concerning Mittman and his connection to The Boys From Austin Street is why they even bothered.

Tobias Michels: When you're a hammer, all the world appears to be a nail.  

Hesh Rabkin: Because that's what they are used to doing. It's the same reason all of the campaigns will be having palm cards distributed at the polls on June 26 even though nobody at the polls will be undecided. 

Gate: Mostly true, Hesh; Hakeem needs palm carders at the polls to remind the old Jews he’s blind pulled which of the two black guys they’ve never heard of it the scary one.  

Michael “Queens Tribune” Schenkler: Did you ever consider that you have the story wrong and maybe it's as simple as Mittman is owned only by Mittman?  

GATE: I think you may be an interested witness—at any rate, please feel free to explain this one: this one?  Just a coincidence, right?    




Liz Crowley favors Voter ID laws.

In her defense, she does not favor literacy tests, but her reasons there might be self-serving. Liz Crowley's Middle Village moment on voter ID | Capital New York     




Rangel has a point about the Espaillat for State Senate petitions which recently appeared on the streets; candidates have been thrown off the ballot for including a name on their nominating petitions without permission.

If, Espaillat is serious in asserting he's not running for State Senate, he should send the offending parties and attorney's letter and release it to the public. 

Curtis Arluck: You don't need Hercule Poirot to figure this one out. Who is on the Committee on Vacancies? Who contacted the printer? Who is being billed for the petitions? Who is carrying them? Espaillat and Rangel Beef Big During Debate While Williams Scoffs




Most of those endorsing Dilan at his Hackapalooza event are the usual suspects, but a few names stand out

David Weprin–What exactly has Vito Lopez done for you besides, pulling out of your Congressional race, and diverting troops that should have been working for you to Bushwick? (Apparently, Weprin agrees; he subsequently removed his name from the list)

Supposed “Reformer” Micah Kellner–Do you really think this will be seen as a “reform” move on the Upper East Side. We know you are an out-bisexual, but we didn't know your switch-hitting was also political.

Eric Adams
: How many times can you pull such cunning stunts, pretending to be one thing, while being something else or nothing at all, before Brooklyn's left/reform/liberal claque wakes up and smells the coffee? Dilan Endorsed By Small Army of Brooklyn Electeds    


Except for the Maloney/Becker race (which is outside my normal catchment area of NYC), the Times’ Congressional endorsements are pretty much in line with my thinking (there are three races they ignore, which I won't–one of which [Meeks] should cause them some shame), which, given my disdain for the Times’ endorsement process means I'd probably better rethink.    




Supposed guardian of traditional morality David Storobin masturbates with both hands in public while fellating social reactionaries and sodomizing social justice.

Wanna bet he introduces nothing to protect molested children? That might offend his client base.


And after all, open homosexuality plagues the Orthodix community so much more than pedophilia.  Storobin Bill Would Repeal Same-Sex Marriage Law    

Romney (on Obama's unilateral Dream Order): "I believe the status of young people who come here through no fault of their own is an important matter to be considered and should be solved on a long-term basis so they know what their future would be in this country…I think the actions that the president took today make it more difficult to reach that kind of long term solution because an executive order, of course, is a short-term matter that can be reversed by subsequent presidents."

Gate: Perhaps the most insincere complaint of all time.

Mitt, an Executive Order wouldn't be a short-term matter is you promise that, if elected, you will extend it, and it wouldn’t have to be an Executive Order if your party stopped blocking it; why not ask them to pass it? Obama: Screw Congress, I’m DREAM Act–ing Myself    




Tucker Carlson's web-rag proves there are a lot of ways to say "Nigger" without using the word. Daily Caller reporter interrupts Obama’s immigration announcement in Rose Garden