The Gateway (Bloomberg Brady Law Edition)

The attached article is mostly old news for Gatemouth readers, but at least it mostly gets it right:

The fight for the Jewish vote in the Presidental race is really fought in earnest only in the swing states and for Republicans is really about maximizing their minority share rather than winning a majority.  

As a Palm Beach County GOP chair once noted about his turf, “We need one-third of the Jewish vote and 20% of the black vote, and the Democrats don’t win anything”

As I've noted before, Israel is a crucial factor in this equation, but by no means the only one.

Real News: GOP exploiting discontent among liberal voters who think Obama sold out liberalism. This is taking "Progressive Nihilism” to a whole new level.

Tiresome News: Jeremy Ben-Ami of J Street still doesn't get it. Adelson’s Latest Foray Courts Jews for the G.O.P.  




Too bad London isn't a swing State (why am I thinking of Austin Powers?). Boris vs Mitt    




Issues upon which Romney takes a principled stance are safe, legal and rare. Wouldn't It Be Crazy If We Had Footage Of Romney Denouncing His Own Pro-Life Agenda?    




Perhaps the crucial reason why Same Sex Marriage is not analogous to polygamy. Sister Wives: If we legalize polygamous marriage, how will polygamous divorce work?    




As a Jersey boy, let me lay it out. Spring Lake is for the Irish. Ocean Grove is for Lesbians. Asbury is for Gay men.

Bradley Beach? On Weekends, Christine Quinn Embraces Life on Jersey Shore    




We need a Brady Law for Bloomberg endorsements–a 24 hour waiting period so that we can do a thorough background check and potentially fatal errors—like this one. Gun control advocate Bloomberg backs Sen. Scott Brown | The Raw Story    




The good news for Myungsuk Lee is that since The Post ran the article about his Paper running ads for massage parlors, he's been overwhelmed with volunteers.

The bad news is that they are all men who want to assist Lee in his efforts to verify the legality of all the establishments who advertise in his paper.

Lee assures us though that his efforts have resulted in a happy ending. Assembly Candidate Vows Revenge Against New York Post    




For the Daily News Editorial Board, there is apparently no crime more awful  than helping to elect Dan Halloran.

Hard to argue with that.  Knucklehead Jimmy Meng gets himself arrested while daughter Grace campaigns  

Yesterday, based upon information from an extremely reliable and decidedly not liberal Queens source, I called Dan Halloran a chain smoker.

In response, I received this post which I assume, from the belligerent tone,  probably came directly or indirectly from Halloran himself:  

Anonymous in Queens: The facts really don't get in your way do they? Halloran is a chain smoker? Really? Not since his father died of cancer when he was 16 or 17 you ass.

Clearly, I owe Halloran an apology. I am truly sorry, Dan.

Nonetheless, anyone who uses a Niemoller analogy to complain about the regulation of the size of soft drinks (something on which I actually agree with Halloran) is still a fucking douchebag.



Leave Mindy alone; it’s not at all clear she didn’t know who Silver and Skelos were; all that is clear is that she didn’t recognize their photos.

David Paterson couldn't recognize Skelos or Silver either, and he got to be Governor. Mindy Meyer Can Get Thousands Of Google Hits, But She Can't ID Dean Skelos Or Shelly Silver    




Memo to creator of this site: Pretty funny, but the first Jewish woman in Congress was not Bella Abzug; it was Florence Prag Kahn (R-Ca.), who arrived 45 years before Bella Abzug.  

When taking the entrance exam for UCal Berkeley in 1893, and asked about Sir Francis Bacon, Prag (as she was then) responded: "the tenets of my faith prohibit me from knowing anything about Bacon."

She got in.

The quality of Republican Jewish women appears to have taken a steep drop over the last century. MINDY MEYER LOVES PINK  




Now, even Haredim can laugh at Mindy! Is Mindy Meyer making a chillul Hashem?