The Gateway (Primary Homestretch Edition)

57th AD District Leader candidate Wendy Washington (backed by, among others, Rock Hackshaw) will be teaming with Gate endorsed Assembly candidate Martine Guerrier.

BTW, Gatemouth endorses Wendy Washington.   




On the plane to Charlotte a member of Congress told me they only wished they could avoid having to endorse in judicial races.  

Yet some people feel otherwise.  

In perhaps the most libelous campaign literature of the season, Nydia Velazquez, without a shred of evidence, accuses a Judge who is on Vito Lopez's personal shit list, and is long associated with the people backing Nydia's candidate, of giving Vito inside information about her resignation date, even though the judge had probably never had a conversation with Lopez in her life.

Incidentally, Nydia's own record of judicial endorsements is hardly sterling, and though she sometimes endorses the right candidate, her endorsements are almost exclusively based on political alliances rather than who would make the best judge.  

For instance, Velazquez once backed the Conservative Party candidate, a landlord lawyer, against Wayne Saitta, one of Brooklyn's most distinguished legal services lawyers, out of pure spite over who was supporting Wayne.  

So, of course Nydia’s recommendation is a highly relevant consideration for the discerning voter.  

I love Nydia, but she has as much business advising voters how to pick judges, as I do in giving relationship advice. Montelione Nydia   




Gatemouth withdraws his Espaillat endorsement.   




To paraphrase LBJ, Andrew has Shelly's circumscribed putz in his pocket, and naturally Shelly’s heart and mind will follow, so of course he's throwing Dinapoli and Schneiderman under the bus. While Cuomo 'sources' reflect on Silver's weakness, on-the-record Cuomo shifts blame to others | Cap   




This is what you should know.

Ruben Diaz compares Vito with Bill Clinton, but Gatemouth got there  first. ‘Vito Lopez vs. Bill Clinton’   




Colin: Juan Reyes mailed out a DVD where he basically argued he’s not as Latino as you think.

Gate: Sounds like Vito in reverse. Why is there a Republican Primary for State Senator on Thursday?   




Colin: Chuck Schumer endorsed Steve Cymbrowitz over Ben Akselrod, saying, “He has truly delivered for my original assembly district and I know he’ll continue to serve a district that is near and dear to me.”

Did Gate shame him into this?
Morning Read: Cuomo (D); Once Biton, But Not Twice Shy; Obama Outraises Romney   




Miracle of Miracles: The Governor endorses Stavisky and Breslin–two incumbent Democratic State Senators in districts where the GOP would prefer a victory by their primary opponents. The Tide Rolls On: Governor Cuomo Issues Third Dem Senator Endorsement   




Roberto Perez: I have to give Bermudez credit, for a guy who is considered a long shot to win this race, he has been very aggressive in trying to get his message out, with the limited amount of resources that he has. THE PEREZ NOTES: 80th AD Assembly Race is Getting UGLY…..   




Though I advocate a vote for Mo Tischler against Dov Hikind, one must call dreck dreck when one smells it.

No one writing about NYC politics was more critical than I of the Brad Lander’s comments referred to by Ticshler, but Lander was not being critical of the Bris ritual when he made those comments — he was speaking at his son's bris!

Tischler's comments aren't technically a straight-out lie, but their intent is to mislead, and they qualify as l'shon hora.!/2012/09/moshe-tischler-attacks-hikind-on.html  Orthodox Pundit: News & Political Analysis    




There are many good reasons why the Tischler boys both deserve to lose their elections, but their father's legal troubles are not one of them.

Anyone who thinks otherwise should therefore be willing to put in Congress a man who thinks Ron Paul deserves to be the leader of the free world. Father of Tischler Brother Candidates Currently Under Indictment   




Lincoln Restler proves himself a mensch   




Ravi Batra: Man of a Few (Thousand) Words (and a million pretensions) Ravi Batra Explains His JCOPE Resignation To Cuomo In 3,430 Words   




Stringer has tantrum over shortage of convention passes?

Scott should have asked me; I would have given him Rock's pass. Source: Manhattan Borough Prez Scott Stringer Storms Off From DNC In A Huff   




Daily Gotham is back online. The Daily Gotham | grassroots news and activism for new yorkers   




Rock's endorsements are up. He certainly has a right to his beliefs, but a few quibbles are in order.

1) Tony Herbert does not spell his last name with a "u."

2) While I am glad that Rock disclosed his relationship with Walter Mosley before endorsing him, it would be nice if he offered something besides that relationship as a rationale.

3) While I find the Barron family unfit for public or Party office, the case against them for Party office is actually stronger. Anyone who runs for Governor in order to create a new political party clearly has no loyalty to the Democrats and therefore has forfeited the right to a seat at the table where internal Democratic Party decisions are made. People without shred of loyalty to the Democratic Party, like Dov Hikind and the Barrons, do not belong on Democratic Party governing panels. 

4) Despite Rock's efforts to hide the fact, there is a third candidate besides Inez Barron and Diane Gordon in the race for Female Leader in AD 60; her name is Nikki Lucas.

5) Rock’s Yvette Clarke joke is essentially the same as the one I made six days ago.

6) I know Rock's specialty is black politics, but would it have killed him to mention Jo Anne Simon and Lincoln Restler? COUNTDOWN TO THURSDAY’S PRIMARIES (SOME SURPRISES HERE | Room Eight
