The Gateway (Apples With Honey [and a Razor Blade] Edition)

In most of the world, those who care about such things are a little bit surprised that Shelly Silver's married adult children are registered to vote from his apartment on Grand Street, but few are really shocked.

By contrast, in the Orthodox world there is profound shock.

"Vus you say? Shelly Silver has a 41 year old daughter who's never been married? Feh!"  Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver’s children moved away from father's Lower East Side district — but s   




Dan Feldman compares the management style of Shelly to that of other Speakers–hence his title. Centralization of power   




A big fat Rosh Hashanah "Go Blow My Shofar, Bitch" to Virginia Kee for comparing the investigation of John Liu's fundraising practices to the Holocaust.

This, my dear is the Holocaust and this as well.  

Rumor is Virginia's just signed up for a part time gig as Yvette Clarke's history tutor.  

Incidentally, Virginia’s husband is a Democratic District Leader in Shelly Silver's AD (and she's a former Democratic State Committeewoman).  

A smart reporter would be camped in front of the Bialystocker Schul Tuesday to get a quote from Shelly. Allies Compare Federal Probe of John Liu to Holocaust   




Why has the David Storobin renewed a lease for an apartment which is outside his new district? And why did the reporter not even notice he got this story?   




Little events of somewhat greater significance: the still unsettled Conservative Party primary in SD 17 Brooklyn – Who Has the Conservative Party Line: Felder or Storobin? [Updated] | Gestetner Updates   




Personal to Mole333:  Your point that not all reformers are monolithic and mine that not all regulars are really not so far apart.

Though I think you throw the word "corrupt" around a bit freely, and get some of the facts wrong, your cautious hope that things in the Brooklyn Democracy could get better is not so far from my optimism that they probably will.

I don't think I really criticized you in my piece, and I agree with you that dissidents are good for the Party, which is why I often endorse them for District Leader.

By the way, the County proxies you so worry about will not be used to elect the County Leader.

As you should know, the County Leader is selected by the District Leaders, most of whom, unlike the membership of the County Committee, have actually faced a real election sometime in their political career. Machines, Pudding and Cats in Brooklyn Politics | The Daily Gotham   




Mitt expresses the belief that just under half of Americans are parasites. SECRET VIDEO: Romney Tells Millionaire Donors What He REALLY Thinks of Obama Voters  

And, as always, his math is wrong. We Are the 47%: The Self-Defeating Math Beyond Romney's Gaffe 

Just watched Mitt’s press conference; why does anyone accept the excuse that extemporaneous remarks are less reflective of how a candidate really thinks than the pre-chewed processed pabulum which has come through his handlers. 




Obama late mom has been posthumously baptized by the Mormon Church.  

I wanna see the long form certificate. The Mormon Church Posthumously Baptized Obama’s Mother   




Republican defenders of the Electoral College and opposed National Popular Vote Plan (NPV) because they believe it undermines the intent of the founders. But now they worry about “Faithless Electors.” 

They should understand that “faithless electors” were the intent of the founders, and the current way the system operates defies the founders’ intent–so let's get past the intent of the founders and discuss the merits. Paul backers float electoral vote flip   




Jimmy McMillan likes Mitt even less than he likes Jews. Jimmy McMillan is Running for Mayor (Again)   




Sadly, this very short remembrance by a political enemy (as well as a schedule for a local funeral home) seems to be the only web evidence of the death of one time Queens political giant Alan Gershuny, the right hand of one of the City’s most powerful men, who in the aftermath of the Manes scandal ended up running a very nice cheese shop  in the Slope for a few years.

I worked with Alan on the first Ackerman Congressional race, a special which took place the morning after the broadcast of the last episode of MASH (we had to close down the phone bank).

On Election Day, Alan sent me to run a phone bank consisting entirely of heroin addicts in various stages of treatment (they bought out every chocolate bar and cigarette at the DC 37 candy counter).

Gary Ackerman gave the eulogy–I wish I had caught it. Evan Stavisky – Google+ – RIP Alan Gershuny. Though we didn't always see eye to eye,…   




I'll never forgive Naomi Wolf for helping Al Gore to lose the Presidency with her stupid advice (which he actually paid her for), and this is the funniest nastiest book review of the decade so far. ‘Vagina: A New Biography,’ by Naomi Wolf