The Gateway (Chesire Cat Wins Debate Edition)

Can we have Biden do the next two debates?   




Sully's live-blog

Favorite points:

1) A word about Raddatz: she is making the case for Jim Lehrer's retirement.

2) Ryan has basically said that he favors redistribution of money from the young to the old, one of the generations struggling the most to the generation that has benefited the most from the post-war boom.

3) Biden just turned a good debating point into a brilliant reminder of his own experience of tragedy – not a second-hand story planted for obvious political reasons

4) Fuck yeah, Joe! Finally, Biden nails it on the 47 percent. The Dish | By Andrew Sullivan – The Daily Beast   




Chait: The contrast with Obama lies not merely in their very — very, very — different energy levels. Obama approaches debates with the same intellectual method he uses in his books, his speeches, and his policy discussions. He instinctively… tries to find common ground first, trying to work within the framework his opponent has established and acknowledge what he agrees with before delineating his disagreements.

Biden does not bother. He simply casts aside his opponent’s frame and works within his own. He did not ignore Ryan’s arguments, but he barreled over them like an enraged truck driver plowing over orange cones, before moving on to his own intellectual turf. Sometimes he barreled so fast his points were wrong or incomprehensible — most notably when he appeared to attribute the financial crisis to Bush-era fiscal profligacy, and seemed to set the bar for who should pay higher taxes at $1 million a year, not the $250,000 line Obama has labored to align his party behind. But it was a highly effective way to handle the smarmy evasions that Ryan predictably served up.   




Ben calls it for Biden. Biden Dominates Debate   




Stephanie Lucianovic @grubreport: I can't FUCKING believe Ryan is using a car crash story TO JOE FUCKING BIDEN WHO LOST HIS WIFE AND KID IN A CAR CRASH.  
jeremy scahill @jeremyscahil: FOX News has just started rebroadcasting the first presidential debate.

Pants on Fire: The Video. 27 Lies In One Debate

Dybbuk: That’s so last week.    




Four of the ten nastiest races for Congress are in New York. 

Is there anyone here who's not proud? Top 10 nastiest House races – Seung Min Kim and Kate Nocera   




For some people (including a NYS Congressman in one of the ten nastiest races) this is very Grimm news. Jerusalem – Report: Rabbi Pinto & Wife Placed Under House Arrest in Israel   




Ruby Diaz promises to deliver Joe Hayon the Latino vote in AD 41.

Even if he delivers the both of them, I still think Helene Weinstein is probably safe.  

Now that Joe has Ruben, can Kruger be far behind? This area was once Carl Country.  




Joseph Hayon: I only raised $1350.

Gatemouth: That’s twice what you spent on your last Assembly race. By that criteria, you should get you 86% of the vote




Dybbuk: My teacher read us a story today with the N-word in it. She said it was OK because the word was not considered bad at the time the story was written.

Gate: Wow, I'm shcoked. When I was in fifth grade, Mr. Malatesta read us Huck Finn and changed a character's name to "Negro Jim"

Dybbuk: That's the word I'm talking about; what word were you talking about?