The Gateway (The King Of Oliver Street Edition)

I've said it before, younger Russians voters are not social right wingers: Note to southern Brooklyn Democrats–your future is not with the Ben Akselrod's of the world. The Jewish Week   




Has Russ Gallo "Pulled a Storobin" and scrubbed his radio show blog? The Brooklyn Independent GOP Fountainhead: Is there something boiling over between Russell Gallo and   




So my nightmare was someone offers me a binder filled with women and they are all clones of Mindy Meyer.

What a race—one candidate has a pink toe-nailed elephant, the other is dap-dressing jackass.

Will Kevin Parker start wearing a pink shirt? When will Kevin get his own reality show? Will he punch out the camera man? Giving the Elephant a Pink Manicure: A Night Out With Mindy Meyer, the Internet's Candidate for Sena    




The effects of too much shomer negiah. The Groggers – "Mindy" [Official Video]    




Mitt shouldn't get to upset at the Governor–if only Mitt were running for the NYS Senate, Cuomo would be endorsing him. Cuomo to Help Obama by Campaigning for Him Beyond New York   




You can get the Al Smith dinner videos everywhere, but if one glances at the tuxes, one might forget that Governor Al Smith lived most of his life on Oliver Street (go visit it even today–it is a block from the Al Smith NYCHA project), and worked in the Fulton Fish Market. He was truly one of the 47%. And during the course of his political career, he never forgot it (though he might have forgotten it later).

Once derided by his opponent for trying to make himself as a monarch, he told an audience, in his thick Lower East Side accent, "Meet the King of Oliver Street."  

Tonight C. Montgomery Burns tried to wrap himself in Al Smith's cloak. All the rest is commentary.   




Despicable Lying Sack of Shit Scumbag Watch:

Romney, who attacked Rick Perry from the right on immigration, now targets Latinos with an ad attacking Obama from the left on the same issue. Ad watch: Romney pushes Obama on immigration promise   




Despicable Lying Sack of Shit Scumbag Watch (Part 3,847):

As I understand, it Mitt has:

1) Pledged to appoint only judges who want to overturn Roe v Wade. 

2) Said that if Roe v Wade is overturned, he would happily sign a bill banning all abortions.

3) Is running commercails saying he opposes banning all abortions. Obama Hits Back With New Abortion Ad    




Forget Obamacare, Romney could kill Romneycare. Why A Romney Presidency Would Be A Grave Threat To … Romneycare   




Goldberg asks some uncomfortable questions:

What we've got now is a discussion about who needs to be fired, and which candidate is in a better position to score cheap points. Does Mitt Romney actually think that Barack Obama doesn't believe that what happened in Benghazi was an act of terror? A larger question: Does anyone seriously believe that Barack Obama, a president who is at war in more Muslim countries than any president in American history, is soft on al Qaeda? And one other question: Does Barack Obama believe that Republicans somehow aren't allowed to raise serious questions about the Administration's response to the attack? Again, I wish the Republicans would frame these questions not to raise doubts about the commander-in-chief's innermost feelings about terrorism, but to ask what specific actions do we need to take, quickly, to try to prevent follow-on attacks? Whatever happened to that whole notion of politics stopping at the water's edge? The Benghazi Embarrassment   




From The Mailbag:

In response to a post of mine which cited a friend saying:  “btw, fact check…Planned Parenthood does cervical cancer screenings, but they do not provide mammograms. If any facility were to do so, they would be violating federal law, unless they had certification from the FDA — which they do not. Regardless of where one stands on abortion, the President of the United States should get his facts straight. Under "Where Can I Get a Mammogram," Planned Parenthood acknowledges that it refers out all mammograms. Just sayin'" comes this response:

Anna Melhem: They don't do them, but women who can't afford them get what amounts to a voucher from PP to go get them done – – without PP's funding these women would otherwise be out of luck, mammogram-wise. :-)