The Gateway (30 Pieces Of Silver, 40 Under 40 & 50 Shades of Grey Edition)

I just want to know if Liz Benjamin has read "Fifty Shades of Grey"

In fact, I wake up at night with the cold sweats wondering if it is so. 

I have no such sleep problems stemming from Wendy Long. I suppose I might lose some sleep if I thought Long might become our Senator, but that would be like pondering what would happen on the day Mitt Romney balanced our budget by cutting taxes on the rich by 20%.  NY GOP Senate candidate smarting over ‘50 Shades of Grey’ question   




Shameless Self-Dealing Award: City and State, for putting Tom Allon on its winners list.

Former "reformer" Morgan Pehme goes from "Forty Under Forty” to "Thirty Pieces of Silver" Winners and Losers, Oct. 19, 2012   




In their first productive move ever, the Green Party has formed a circular firing squad. Capitol Confidential » The Green Party has had enough of Don Hassig   




I'm really mad at the Daily News for making me defend John Liu, but their editorial calling Liu out on going after parking fine scofflaws when he himself hasn't paid his fines for illegal postering is an almost willful act of stupidity.

Liu's complaint is about a City program which allows companies to pay steeply discounted parking fines if they agree not to contest the tickets and to settle their bargain balances within 15 days of a citation being issued.  

Liu’s office found that there were $6.4 million in outstanding fines that had gone unpaid for at least 30 days, and $3.7 million past due by at least 180 days.  

Liu proposes that if a company does not meet its obligation to pay, it should have to fork over the original amount, not the discounted fine.

By contrast, Liu himself has not paid the fines for summonses he is still in the process of contesting.

Liu is not a deadbeat who agreed to pay a lower fine and then welched; Liu was not offered the opportunity to pay a discounted fine (who knows, he might have taken it).  

Unlike the scofflaw companies, Liu has not waived his rights in exchange for a lighter punishment. Therefore, Liu has the right to exhaust his remedies.

The situations could not be more different.

And The News could not be more imbecilic. John Liu keeps weaseling out of paying for his illegal campaign signs   




So, as I understand it, Bloomberg's campaign attempted to improperly coordinate with the Independence Party and use the IP to make a payment for services designed to benefit Bloomberg’s campaign, but, since their sincere attempt to violate the law failed, Bloomberg is off the hook.

Maybe we should just abolish the concept of liability for attempted crimes for non-millionaires as well. Mayor Bloomberg Off The Hook For 2009 Campaign Cash Embezzled By Queens Operative

In a related story, a right to lifer Congressman who urged girlfriend to have abortion says she wasn't really pregnant, so it doesn't matter. Congressman: Mistress wasn't pregnant, no abortion   




As someone who's called out the Governor many times for his open and covert support of Republicans (including in my post yesterday), I feel compelled to point out that Ruben Diaz's screed on the topic, complete with a dose of racial arson, is a multileveled pile of monumental hypocrisy which is both shameful and shameless.

Not to defend the Governor, but one crucial difference is that Mr. Cuomo holds no Party positions, while Mr. Diaz is a Democratic Party District Leader and therefore occupies a fiduciary position whose strictures he has violated.

If Mr. Diaz really feels there is a conflict between his party and his G-d, he should give up either his clerical collar or his District Leadership. Rubén Díaz Wishes Governor Cuomo Would Be Mocked ‘in Tweets’   




A Republican insurgent sound off on the differing responses of the political parties to a changing Bay Ridge:

"… I saw that the young liberal-leaning Democrat candidate was obviously willing to utilize the changing and changed social environment in Bay Ridge and to turn it to his own and his party’s advantage — or at least to describe that process in a thoughtful and well reasoned way. Doubly distressing was my knowledge that nobody in the existing Republican or Conservative Party superstructure is making any attempt to establish any party connection or to develop any party loyalty among the Bay Ridge newcomers. Instead those right-leaning parties and their candidates have chosen only to play on the insecurities of the decreasing numbers of increasingly isolated old timers in Bay Ridge and its neighboring communities that are similarly changing." The Brooklyn Independent GOP Fountainhead: Link to long interview in the “The L Magazine” of Andrew.   




Worst thing about Meng: all the meeting she misses.  

Worst thing about Halloran: all the meeting he doesn't. Halloran Attacks Meng on Poor Attendance During Debate – New York    




Halloran's allegation that President Obama intends to turn the Western Wall over to the Arabs is based on credible information he got from two loafing Sanitation workers 

Dan feels very strongly about the Wall because it reminds him of Stonehenge. Dan Halloran wants to protect Jerusalem from Obama and Arabs | Capital New York   




Guess which Presidential candidate attacks the other for being anti-Israel.  

Now guess which one is pandering to Palestinians.

If you gave different answers to these two questions, you are incorrect. Romney's Pro-Palestinian Wing Riles Israel Supporters   




"Obama has been an exceptional supporter of Israel where it counts – on the hard core security and diplomatic issues that provide assistance and protection in a very dangerous region." Obama’s bad for Israel? His record indicates otherwise   




"…in the fight against Iran’s nuclear program, the President has done something that Mitt Romney somehow tries to claim as his own policy idea. Instead of simply saber-rattling and resorting to name-calling, the President has diligently built an unprecedented global sanctions coalition that is devastating the Iranian economy. Iran’s currency has crashed by nearly 40% just in the last month, and this is largely because President Obama was able to convince Europe to copy our sanctions regime. " Romney Wrong on Women, Seniors, and Israel   




Goldberg examines Obama foreign policy and finds a few chinks in the armor.  How to Beat Obama on Foreign Policy   




Chait explains “The Fiscal Cliff” as a thrill ride worth waiting on line for.    




As predicted, Fleshbot does a "Binders of Women" joke. Julie Simone: One Of Our Favorite Binders Of Women | Fleshbot