The Gateway (Live On The Scene From The Cutting Edge Of The Earth Edition)

When we moved to our block near the Left Bank of the Gowanus, we joined with the local Italian-Americans in correcting people who called our block part of Gowanus, by informing them we lived in Carroll Gardens.  

Now, with the evolution of trendiness being what it is, the language on the streets is the same as on the Left Bank of the Seine, and when inquiries are made about what neighborhood we live in, we misinform people the other way around.

Recently, our tenant Michael, a dead ringer for Jerry Garcia, who teaches Medieval  English Lit at a CUNY school went off to London on a fellowship, and delighted Dybbuk by subletting to a couple with a younger-brother-aged child.

The new tenants have been apartment hopping across the Brownstone belt while trying to unload their former abode out of town.

In the schtetl we call home, their last landlord turned out to be an old bar room buddy and her French husband, now living in Red Hook, who, displaced yesterday by the storm, ended up staying on the next block, on the ground floor of the last house before the beginning of Zone A.

So, of course they turned up on our door step this morning, to be greeted by an unshaven Gatemouth in his bathrobe.

Eventually it was decided to take a walk in the rain.

This being cutting edge Brooklyn, swarms of young people were out taking picture of the Canal overflowing its banks at Sackett.  

Gate was much delighted to find that the miserable bastards at Eastern Effects (a film and television production rental service), who blatantly and illegally block off every space on their side the last block of Degraw with phony yellow curbs, cones and signs warning that a gate in front of their picnic area is a 24 hour loading zone (even though there is no curb cut), were down for the count due to the evacuation. [And yes, all your neighbors hate you].     

Gate strolled off to get the papers and observed a bread delivery to the pub at Hoyt and Union was sitting in the rain, almost certain to be wasted, (just like most of his young neighbors).

Gate turned into the Korean grocery at Smith to find a line of mommies buying flour and pie crusts.

A two block survey of the Smith Restaurant Row found only the hearty stalwarts at Vinnie’s of Carroll Gardens open for business.

They weren’t doing deliveries, and there was no bread, (Gate told them where they could find some), but there was plenty of stick to the ribs chicken marsala and beef stew.



Hurricane FAQ for Political Junkies. Hurricane Sandy: 5 political questions – Jonathan Allen 

Food for thought. How Romney And Ryan Would Severely Impair Disaster Relief Efforts 


Bloomnesia: The President is unworthy of endorsement because he hasn't taken action on gun control, but Marty Golden gets $10 grand for killing microstamping.

I guess the important thing isn't what you do, but that you do something. State Legislators Question Bloomberg's Gun Control Stance   


As predicted, Vito Lopez is already claiming vindication for an almost certain victory in which he is unopposed in all but name.   


Can you dog whistle in Yiddish?

Felder wishes Storobin luck in finding a wife. Brooklyn Audio: Notably Agitated Felder Blasts Storobin During Radio Show | Gestetner Updates   


Left Wing Douchebag Watch: Oliver Stone's new book rips Obama – Katie Glueck