The Gateway (Baruch Dayan Haemet.Edition)

It is undeniable, so stop denying it. A vote for Romney is a vote to overturn Roe.  To believe otherwise, one would need to be developmentally disabled, delusional, or Andrea Peyser.

But I repeat myself. Right And Left Agree: A Romney Presidency Would Imperil Roe v. Wade  




Important endorsement of Mitt by a guy you never heard of.

You'll notice that he is a fellow Caucasian.

Jes' sayin’. David Walker endorses Mitt Romney   




Time Warner is back up in Carroll Gardens and the Canal has overflowed, but it's time to stop thinking about personal matter and reflect on the really important questions, like "how will this affect the election?"

The Smartest Man In America says that, for starters, there will be less polling. Impact of Hurricane Sandy on Election Is Uncertain   




Polls go flaccid. Oct. 29: Polling Slows As Storm Wreaks Havoc   




The thinking (perhaps not the best choice of words) behind Romney's stance against disaster relief. Why Romney Came Out Against FEMA   




Romney efforts impede actual relief. Romney’s unhelpful “storm relief”   




Chait: … the attempt to wall disaster response off from politics in the aftermath of a disaster is an attempt to insulate Republicans from the consequences of their policies….The GOP is the party arguing for splurging on a long vacation at the beach rather than repairing the roof. Naturally, they want to have this argument only when it’s sunny and never when it’s raining." Why Democrats Are Right to Politicize Sandy   




Yesterday morning, Domestic Partner went hysterical when she read a post on Park Slope Parents saying Zone B (where we live) was being evacuated. At that very moment, the Mayor was live on TV saying something quite to the contrary, but who are you going to believe, the Mayor or a blog post (actually, most times, a blog post).

Anyway, the dirtbag spreading the worst lies was the campaign manager for Carolyn Maloney's GOP opponent, who finally succeeded in getting his client's name in a news story (though not here). Shashank Tripathi, Last Night’s Twitter Villain @ComfortablySmug   




WFMU Record fair Cancelled.   




I think I'm voting for the guy who wanted to stop the seas from rising   




Galewyn Massey laments that 46th AD GOP Assembly candidate Thomas McCarthy has no scenario for victory, but it turns out McCarthy had a secret plan.

Pray that the the entire district outside of Bay Ridge would up and leave.The Brooklyn Independent GOP Fountainhead: Could anybody tell why Thomas McCarthy is running for the   




Ruby Diaz Sr.'s complaints about the Senate GOP and corruption are not too different from my own.  Ruby also makes a salient point about the NY Post's focus only upon convictions and accusations against non-white Senators, though Ruby's own list of white miscreants somehow misses the name of Carl Kruger (funny that).

Unfortunately, Ruby begs the question: "if the Senate GOP are such scum, why did you so recently attempt to sell out your fellow Democrats and make a deal with them?"

Remember Ruby, G-d hates phony (especially when it hides behind a clerical collar).

This is Gatemouth and this is what you should know. Morning Read: ‘Remember God Hates Ugly’   




Nice article from April about a mentor of mine, Justice Herbert Kramer, who just passed away. Herbie was a true pioneer in areas like drug treatment, the rights of the disabled, and mortgage foreclosure abuses.

Two things they didn't print.  Back in the 80s, Alton Maddox used blatant homophobia to get a jury to do some nullification and let off a murderer. A few months later though, the killer appeared in front of Herbie on a gun charge and found out about the meaning of the word "maximum."

A well respected member of the Orthodox Jewish community, Herbie was once visited by Dov Hikind, asking advice on the bias crime bill, which included protections for crimes motivated by the victim's sexual orientation.  

Herbie told him to vote for it. "We don't believe in beating people up."  

Perhaps Joe Hayon should give that some thought. 

The funeral service for Judge Kramer will be held Wednesday, October 31, 2012 at 12:00pm at Shomrei Hadas, 3803 14th Avenue, in Brooklyn.  Baruch Dayan Haemet.  Sentinel on the Bench | Brooklyn Daily Eagle