The Gateway (Rationing The Vote Edition)

Today I addressed Dybbuk's 4th grade class about the election, emphasizing that Romney would end health care for at least 30 million people.

The first question came from a little girl who asked why we couldn't have single payer.

Welcome to Park Slope.   




Most of my friends who took this quiz got Jill Stein as the candidate whose ideas are closest to theirs; since I'm a relatively conservative Democrat, I got Obama. Which Presidential Candidate's Policy Positions Are Closest to Yours? The Answer Might Surprise You.   




Hertzberg: To hear Mitt Romney tell it during these waning days, he not only supports Obama’s foreign policy, he also opposes tax cuts for the rich, wants FEMA fully funded, deplores partisan intransigence, is the true father of the auto bailout, and thinks Wall Street regulation is fine and dandy. Willard Hussein Romney?   




Romney takes offense at being asked about his religion, while his mini-me attacks the Democrats for threatening Judeo-Christian values. Ryan Warns Evangelicals: Obama Threatens "Judeo-Christian Values"   




Goldberg explains why this may be the most important election of our life time domestically (and I agree), but "For the rest of the world, this is the most important election of our lifetimes only if you're three years old." 'The Most Important Election of Our Lifetimes'   




When I read this idiotic wanking the other day about the importance of Hamilton county Ohio, I just sighed.

Thank you, Jonathan Chait for shooting an arrow through such lazy navel gazing. There Is No Such Thing As a ‘Swing County’   




Voting early is Florida is like buying gas in NYC.

I think Governor Scott is trying to ration voting. Florida Early Voting Mayhem: Voters Face Long Lines At The Polls As Rick Scott Refuses To Budge   




Governor signs order to allow people to forfeit their vote in local races. Cuomo Signs Executive Order To Allow Affidavit Voting   




Green Party candidate achieves menschood. Pataki, Sayward to campaign on opposing sides; Green Party candidate backs Owens   




Christopher Wight, the man whose Campaign Manager just got caught posting false rumors about Sandy, now posts a false rumor about Carolyn Maloney.  

You can tell Wight is only joking because he pretends to believe that he might have had a shot if only Our Town had given him a fair shake. Gatemouth endorses Carolyn Maloney. Congressional Campaign Accuses Local Paper of Selling Its Endorsement   




Today, 30th AD GOP Assembly candidate Anthony Nunziato ran an ad attacking Assemblywoman Marge Markey for "going to war with the Catholic Church.”

The Assemblywoman introduced a bill, not targeted at any particularly group, expanding the Statute of Limitations for victims of child sex abuse to sue. The Church responded by threatening to close parishes in the Assemblywoman's district.

Whatever the merits of the Assemblywoman's bill (and they are mixed), it is quite clear that Assemblywoman Markey has not gone to war with the Catholic Church, but rather that the Catholic Church has unilaterally declared war on Assemblywoman Markey.

Gatemouth endorses Marge Markey.   




On Long Island, Gatemouth endorses Rick Montano for State Senate.   




I have no dog in the Ulrich-Addabbo fight (I'd tie both to the roof of my sedan and ride through a tsunami) so I'm not being partisan in suggesting claims of a fix MAY be paranoia.
My in-laws in Park Slope also have to walk about a mile to vote at their relocated site. And anyway, Satmar seem to find ways to travel long distances to vote. Look how many came down from Kyrias Joel just to vote for Chris Olechowski or Lincoln Restler.
Orthodox Jewish Groups Protest Post-Sandy Poll Site Changes   




"Tomorrow Belongs To Me" done klezmer style. The Community Vote – Storobin Jingle   




No matter which poison you'd rather swallow, Bragg has the downlow on the race to control (or try to control) the NY State Senate. The Insider's Senate race scorecard – The Insider | Crain's New York Business   




One last plea to my dad. Why Obama Is Better for Israel Than Romney Is