The Gateway (Mezvinsky-Schlossberg Edition)

Nocera presents his fantasy cabinet, so why not me?

I can think of nothing sweeter than the thought of rubbing Republicans’ faces in their own dung while appearing noble and bi-partisan at the same time–so my nominee for Secretary of State would be—Richard Lugar!
As Richard Mourdock might say: "that it is something that God intended to happen."

(I’d add Howard Berman as Deputy to reassure the Israelis, who'd probably be lukewarm about Dick). 

Counterintuitively, but probably correctly, Goldberg says the best way for Palestinians to get Israel to grant them independence is to concede the inevitability of Greater Israel and just demand the right to vote there.

Goldberg: This won't happen, of course. Israeli intransigence has always had a friend in Palestinian shortsightedness.

With Barak, Olmert and Peres (age 89) all bowing out, the Israeli Center-Left's best prospect has pretty much narrowed down to Ariel Sharon.

Of course, things could always be worse:


Chelsea Mezvinsky channels Caroline Schlossberg.

Not fer nuthin Chels, but why not join your local Democratic club, learn to carry a petition, and get involved in a civic association?


NOW calls on Senators elected as Dems to conference with the Dems.

WOW, this will make all the difference in the world to Simcha Felder.




On his Facebook page, Colin says what every honest pol knows, but none dare to say out loud: I just don't get how the Commission can go and change the lines solely to move one prospective candidate from one open seat to another, somehow based on the insider judgment that the candidate (Vito Lopez) would have a harder time winning the new one, all despite the fact that he can run wherever he wants regardless. Even if the candidate is a bad person, such a move would be so obviously political that it would enthusiastically undermine the Commission's claims of independence.




Not just an anti-Semite, but an equal opportunity pig (or do I mean “pimp”?).




State of Politics: With the departure of Manhattan BP Scott Stringer from the 2013 mayoral field, there is no Jewish candidate in the Democratic field for the first time since 1993.

Not really. Yes, Bill Thompson's dad speaks Yiddish and his step mom was a Jew, but neither he nor Tony Avella is a Member of the Tribe. So this is the first time there hasn't been a Jewish candidate in the Democratic field since the last time.

Incidentally, the last time before 1993 was 1957.




Hungarian pol channels Fred Malek.


ased on the insider judgment that the candidate (Vito Lopez) would have a harder time winning t
he new one, all despite the fact that he can run wherever he wants regardless. Even if the candidate is a bad person, such a move would be so obviously political that it would enthusiastically undermine the Commission's claims of independence."


Same sex marriage as the triumph of the gay conservatives, and now they're feeling their oats (perhaps not the best choice of words).