The Gateway (Dirty Water Edition)

Some days you just gotta hear a song about the Charles River.




Brad Maione: Time to move on. Sox, Pats, Bruins and Boston Globe all suck. Signed, a New Yorker.

GATE: As someone
once memorably shouted at Gilbert Gottfried: "too soon"   




A friend writes “Media thinks its 9/11.”.

But, as Mel Brooks once said, "Tragedy is when I stub my toe; comedy is when you fall down the stairs and die."

If you lost your legs, it was 9/11.




Before we finish congratulating the FBI and Police agencies for their remarkable work, let us also not forget to acknowledge those whose contributions to our society should not be forgotten.

ROBERT HORNAK (April 15 on Facebook): The terrorist attack in Boston today is truly horrific. My heart goes out to the victims. With early info indicating this is an Al Qaeda attack, let me just throw a though out there: Do you feel MORE safe having Obama in the White House? Or LESS?

GATE:  Now that some unspeakable scum bag has decided to politicize this let's run down the score: 9/11: 2996, Boston Massacre 3. I think we have a long way to go before we say we've gotten less safe.

BTW, to put things in perspective, here are my words describing Dubya following 9/11 (Dubya following 9/11:

" Though surely not born great, and having done little or nothing to achieve greatness, George W. Bush had had greatness thrust upon him, and, for about three minutes he rose to the occasion, as the world rallied behind America and America used the moment to rally the world into multilateral action against what could only be called evil; it was truly the right war in the right place at the right time."

That is how a real American talks, Robert.




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