When I announced about five months ago that I was dialing it down, I never thought that the break would last much longer than half a year. But lately, I’ve found keeping up with my political reading to be a burden, and keeping up my political writing, even on only a semi-regular basis, to not be worth the schtuss.
In the past month and a half, I’ve found it too taxing even to take the time to collect and edit a Gateway piece from my sporadic Facebook posting (I may yet try before the month ends).
I may have finally lost the Jones.
All this is happening in the midst of the most exciting NYC local election in recent memory, and I can hardly contain my boredom.
I’m far most interested in the book I’ve been reading about the roots of Rock and Roll, “Before Elvis,” by Larry Birnbaum, which posits that swing, boogie-woogie and hokum were more important to the development of rock than country music and delta blues.
During my break, which will continue even more intensely now that I’ve made mind up to go from blogging less frequently to blogging only sporadically, I also worked on putting together a collection of my nationally oriented pieces, and I am now working on a local volume.
But don’t expect much new (except maybe some election analysis, once the final results are posted) in the foreseeable future.