The Greatest Work of Art In At Least A Century

To me, that’s what the Tribute in Light is. Since I lack standing as an art critic or even frequent visitor to art museums, perhaps I should say that it is the one I find most meaningful. Certainly if the purpose of art is a deeper, more abstract means of communication, then its enormity cannot be denied. Everyone can grasp many of the meanings of those two beams. That it was conceived and implemented so quickly makes it all the more amazing. I have no idea who did this, but those who did have my thanks.

No memorial that will ever be conceived will convey as much as having those two beams of light cast to the sky each year on this date. Nothing could do as much to help people remember 10, 20, 50, or 100 years from now. I agree with an early Bloomberg comment that the city should not be a cemetary, and wish the city had healed around the wound already. But I hope that into the far off future the ghost of the towers will continue to rise as a memorial to what happened that day and those lost.