The Reason For Gay Marriage is Tier V

There is certain to be at least a vote on Gay Marriage today. How do I know? So that all the State Senators, and all the Assembly Members, and the Governor, can talk about Gay Marriage, and only Gay Marriage, and explain why people should support them because of their stand on Gay Marriage. And nothing else.

Certainly not the decade-plus of pension enhancements for those cashing in and moving out, all in deals done in the dark, without debate and based on fradulent assumptions. Followed, this very day, by a new pension tier that will dramatically cut the lifetime total compensation of future public employees compared to those who are retiring. Again. They don't want to be asked why that is fair, and what it says about their values, and the unions' values, and their generation's values. They don't want to be asked what effect that will have on future public services. They don't want to be asked why existing and retired employees aren't being asked to give anything back. They don't want to be asked about the debate that didn't occur. Tehy don't want to be asked how this could possibly help the fiscal disaster that is going to gut public services, given that no new employees will be hired anyway. And they won't be, will they MSM?

You may not recall that the deal to allow New Yor City teachers to retire at 55 instead of 62 passed without no votes and without debate two years ago. Because there was no discussion of that either. An oblique reference to what had been done was slipped out at the end of a press statement on an issue that matters far more than New York City's children or New York State's future — horse racing. The newspaper that found out about the political deal cut with the Republican State Senate in exchange for approval is now defunct.

To the extent that anyone notes Tier V, a multi-billion dollar decision, it will no doubt be hailed as a "win" for future New Yorkers and future public employees. They'll just copy the press release.

"Establishing a Tier V classification for incoming public employees will save New York billions of dollars and reduce costs to taxpayers while maintaining a quality workforce," said Silver (D-Manhattan)."

How does enriching those cashing in and moving to Florida while cutting the compensation offered to those who will be hired in the future ensure a quality work force? That is a simple lie. That has nothing to do with it. There is nothing in there, I'm sure, that will require future public employees to actually work. Even the public employee unions, who will do anything to future public employees knowing they will be forced to pay dues to them even as they are robbed, won't go along with that.

"This bill continues to provide new public employees, including police officers, teachers, emergency services personnel and other civil servants with access to a quality and stable pension system while addressing the state's long-term fiscal concerns," said Abbate (D-Brooklyn)."

Bullshit. The goal is to avoid a political backlash against Generation Greed by screwing younger generations again. This does nothing to ensure a stable pension system for new employees, or younger employees. It rapes them in an attempt to make sure that Generation Greed gets everything is has grabbed and keeps the opportunity to keep grabbing.

"This legislation sets the stage for long-term financial stability for the state and local governments. While we continue to face this economic downturn, the creation of a new public employee classification is vital to the state's fiscal health."

So a less costly pension for all the new police officers in the part of the state outside New York City is vital to maintaining fiscal health, but new New York City police officers — who will doubtless continue to commute in from the suburbs — will not have a less costly pension? Why not? What's the distinction?

No one will ask the question. No one will provide the answer. A generation of leaders with two characterisitics — a lack of shame and an unlimited ability to rationalize. A generation with those same characteristics.