What Happens When The Educated Stop Being Bought Off

I strongly suggest that those who believe I am onto something, with regard to Generation Greed's long term effects on those coming after, read this article about Europe. While younger generations have become worse off than those who came before for some time in this country, the best off and most articulate had continued to prosper until recently, or so they believed because rising debts papered over many things. That's why, in my view, Generation Greed was followed by Generation Apathy.

But in Europe that is no longer the case — the young educated are suffering too. Next up, Generation Outrage. But the real damage will be felt when those born later become old themselves, and really suffer because their countries were bankrupted by those who came before — somehow even more so in peace in the past 30 years than by two devastating wars in the first half of the 20th Century.

As U.S. states face fiscal catastrophe, we'll see who Governor Cuomo, Dean Skelos, and Sheldon Silver really decide to sacrifice. Somehow I don't have the heart to express my outrage in advance on behalf of younger generations, although I tried to write a post predicting what they would do over the weekend. I'll just wait until they do it.