Don’t Have a Kaus, Mickey!

"The truth is that many gay men are acting like Bill Clinton, because, like Bill Clinton, they are full of testosterone, and, like Bill Clinton, they can get sex when they want. Clinton gets it and has gotten it because of his charm and his power (which he regularly abused for sexual harassment purposes). Many straight men would do the same if they could get away with it. Can you imagine the lines for straight bathhouses if women were as eager to get it on with strangers as men are?

Gay men get it because their emotional and sexual universe is all-male and so twice as testosterone-laden as the straight male sexual universe. [Boldface added]" – Andrew Sullivan

Hmmm. Sure sounds like Sullivan is saying gay men are "inherently more promiscuous than straight people." An old chestnut of anti-gay bigotry! I await [Peter} Beinart's denunciation of Sullivan {Beinart had denounced Anne Coulter for saying gay men were more promiscuous than straight men], and Sullivan's distancing from Sullivan. …- Mickey Kaus

No Mickey, actually what Andrew is saying is that men are inherently more promiscuous than women.  

Most straight guys would fuck a crack in the sidewalk or the crack of dawn; the only restraint upon their promiscuity is that they like to fuck women. If they liked to fuck a gender that liked to fuck as often and as freely as they would like to be able to, they'd be getting laid a lot more and by a lot more people. They don't, so they can't. Gay guys do and can. All Sully's sayin' is it's a male thing, not a gay thing. And, he's right.