Misleading Story of the Morning (Corrected And Improved–Unlike The Sun’s Story)

“City Democrats To Attend McCain Fund-Raiser” —By MARK GIANNOTTO, Special to the Sun | July 29, 2008 

With recent polls showing a growing gap between Senator McCain and the surging Democratic rival, Senator Obama, the presumptive Republican nominee is looking for additional support from an unlikely source: New York City Democrats.

The McCain campaign will hold a fund-raiser at a Brooklyn Heights home today specifically for Democrats who want to vote Republican, as part of its efforts to advertise Mr. McCain's bipartisan appeal.

The event will be held at the home of the former chairwoman of Environmentalists for Clinton-Gore 1992, Roberta Weisbrod, a Democrat who is now supporting Mr. McCain.

"Almost everybody I know doesn't feel the way I do," Ms. Weisbrod said, adding that her neighborhood leans predominantly to the left. The Arizona senator "always seems to take principled positions on a lot of issues."

Ms. Weisbrod said attendees of today's fund-raiser have been identified by Mr. McCain's staff as Democrats interested in becoming active in the campaign or those who just want to know more about Mr. McCain's platform.” 


Roberta Weisbrod is a lovely woman, who makes her living consulting on maritime and other economic development issues. Her husband, Federal Judge David Trager, is a Republican, or at least was when Republican President Gerald Ford made him a United States Attorney, at the behest of Republican Senator Jacob Javits. He was initially nominated for the Federal bench by Republican President George H.W. Bush (though the nomination was allowed to lapse).   

Ms. Weisbrod’s 1992 work for Bill Clinton preceded by about one year the re-nomination of her husband as one the few Republicans Clinton elevated to the federal bench.  

This is not to question Ms. Weisbrod's sincerity, but rather the Sun's. Full disclosure would be nice next time, guys.