When Pigs Fly

“John McCain says he’s about change, too — except for economic policy, health care policy, tax policy, education policy, foreign policy and Karl Rove-style politics. That’s just calling the same thing something different.”

Laughs. “You can put lipstick on a pig; it’s still a pig. You can wrap an old fish in a piece of paper called change; it’s still going to stink after eight years.” —Barack Obama

Please, can we retire this cliché about porcine cosmetics?

Barack Obama’s obviously has had it on the tip of his tongue for a long time. In fact, he’s previously used it to describe a supposed change in our Iraq strategy, long before he’d first heard of Governor Palin.

And John McCain is fond of it too, using it to describe policies put forth by Senator Clinton.

Was McCain being subliminally suggestive?

I think not; he has people for that (Governor Palin among them); anyway, if he was, he would have said “lipstick on a mutt.”

This doesn’t even qualify as a gaffe; it is pure misdirection.

Perhaps if Obama had said lipstick on a moose, or a dog (no, it was a Republicans who did that).

Of course, Obama put it better than I ever could. Palin's not the pig, she’s the lipstick.

Still, I think the McCain campaign is correct. Someone has suggested the comparison between Ms. Palin and a pig for cheap political gain:

That someone is the McCain Campaign.

However, I’m going to break form here, and suggest they need not apologize.

In his acceptance speech, McCain made reference to “the old, big spending, do nothing, me first, country second Washington crowd“.

As someone who advocated the boondoggling “Bridge to Nowhere”, cancelled it when she found out she might have to pay for part of it, and then kept the money, instead of returning it, and who, in fact, had hired Gucci Gulch sleazebag lobbyists to obtain more of the same, Ms. Palin does bear some resemble to a hog slopping down at a trough, and her newly acquired pose as an enemy of waste does bear some resemblance to applying lipstick on a slab of bacon.

So, if Governor Palin is Ms. Piggy, is John McCain Kermit or Fozzie Bear?

I’m sticking with my earlier comparison of McCain with WC Fields; the way the press has swallowed this slime in the manner of Linda Lovelace proves they have no gag reflex.

Truly, there is a sucker born every minute.