Edward G. Maloney

RESHMA SAUJANI: This is a new decade and we need a new direction…We need to put aside the policies of the past and start building the future because we are the future. That's going to take new ideas, new leadership and new bridges.

Translation of message to Carolyn Maloney:

MARLENE DIETRICH (in Orson Welles’ “Touch of Evil”): …Your future is all used up. Why don’t you go home?

or maybe

ROGER DALTREY: Why dontcha all f-f-f-fade away…talkin bout my g-g-generation  

Well, Reshma Saujani is definitely positioning herself as the candidate of new ideas, not necessarily new in vintage, but new in the sci-fi sense.

I say this because, other than deep-throating Wall Street, her major campaign plank seems to be “Soylent Green.” We could stop hunger if only these useless old people would get out of the way and die.

Another vintage idea Saujani’s adopted is to make false implications about her opponent’s record. As Azi Paybarah reported, Saujani actually had the nerve to imply that Carolyn Maloney was insufficiently supportive of abortion rights.

This is even more preposterous than her prior assertion that Maloney was insufficiently supportive of the Wall Street crowd which finances Maloney’s campaigns (or did until Reshma came along). At least that lie had a basis–Maloney does sometimes tell Wall Street no, and engages in occasional kabuki to prove her populism.

But Maloney has virtually never let any daylight come between her and even the most radical of feminists. Back in the 80‘s, Maloney even flirted with introducing legislation to allow rape victims to sue pornographers.

But pander though she will, Carolyn apparently is incapable of stooping low enough to please Reshma Saujani.

Maloney should not blow this off.

Rich, young, socially connected Ivy League brats full of entitlement have discovered that lying about public figures is virtually immune from the laws of libel. They will slander without regard to the truth anyone who they believe is evil, and they define as evil anyone who stands between them and the things to which they believe they are entitled.  

By the time Reshma’s fellow Yalie Danny Squadron got through with Marty Connor, most voters in Connor’s district thought Connor was antigay, anti-choice, and even anti-Semitic (the last not documented in the link, but Squadron really did falsely link Connor to Leonora Fulani).

Even more impressively, Squadron’s campaign pioneered innovations in disseminating such lies through social networking.

Just imagine what Joe Goebbels could have done if he’d only had access to Facebook.

(And please, no whining about the N-word. I am not implying Reshma or Dan would implement Kristallnacht. But let’s face it, when it come to Big Lies and taking advantage of appeasers, the Nazis are just the only metaphor that matters).

But Reshma better be careful as well. Sometimes a misleading statement is a double-edged sword. Take this one by Reshma, criticizing Congress:

"We need real leadership on core Democratic values. Surrendering a woman's right to choose as a bargaining chip in a health care bill should never have been acceptable,"

OK, Reshma, are you saying you would have voted against Health Care Reform?

I’d call her Harold Ford with ovaries, but it appears she has even bigger balls than he does.