The Gateway Weekend Wrap (Don’t Have a Kaus Edition)

Given that I, as of late, have taken to imitating his format (now widespread, but he pretty much invented it), and I have a similar tendency to dwell upon the flaws of liberalism from within, I would like to be more sympathetic to Kaus' pathetic cry for attention. However, it seems to me that Kaus long ago lost his way, to the point where's he's more neo-con than neo-lib. His obsessive focus on illegal immigrants is virtually a textbook betrayal of the neo-liberal idea. Query: how does someone with no followers end up on the first page of the STYLE section? Mickey Kaus Seeks to Correct the Flaws of Liberalism –

He could always sell gas grills and name all his sons Yuri, but he floats like Matzoh Ball and strings like a sewing needle. Foreman Fights Tough, but Cotto Prevails – The Jewish Daily Forward

B-b-b-bennies and the Blimp. Elton John and Rush Limbaugh, Sitting In a Tree | Gay Rights |