Schmuck Barron? The almost certain impact of Barron's run for Governor will be to draw enough black voters off the Democratic line who never bother to return to it down-ballot to cost the Democrats the State Senate and leaving three white men in "The Room." However, fear that Barron's party name would convey racial exclusivity turned out to be off-base; instead "Freedom Democratic Party" conveys nothing but Old Left nostalgia and memories of Fannie Lou Hamer and 1964 Ole Miss. However, before proceeding with such a purposefully confusing Party name, Barron might want to take a gander at this excerpt from Edward Schwartzman's "Political Campaign Craftmanship” and instead choose a name that won’t get him knocked off the ballot, like the “Psychotic Ego Trip Party“, which has the additional advantage of truth in labeling. Barron Says He’s Running to Protest Cuomo – City Room Blog –
Query: Will Barron's Party disappear if Barron and John Sampson can work out a deal regarding the District Leaderships in the 40th Assembly District?
The only thing that makes Bibi look good are Israel's enemies and those who back or make excuses for them, while turning a blind eye to things which are far worse. Plenty of blame to go around in Gaza
Jews are paranoid because there are people out to get us. ADL Welcomes U.S. Condemnation of Blood Libel Reference Before U.N. Council
Daily News Stupidity Watch: The continual idiocy of New York's Hometown Paper continues unabated; first, Errol Louis says a Statewide Democratic Ticket with two Upstaters (out of six jobs) offers Upstate "scant representation“ when Upstate accounts for less than one-third of the State’s population. Now comes this piece of Editorial lunacy. The News is binary and only can see "Good" and "Evil". Developers are "Good" and Vito Lopez is "Evil." As such, they miss the real story, which is that THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR OF THE LOPEZ CONTROLLED Ridgewood-Bushwick Senior Citizens Council VOTED FOR THE PROJECT IN HER CAPACITY AS A MEMBER OF THE CITY PLANNING COMMISSION. You think they might have taken the better shot at Lopez by questioning whether he really opposes the project at all. This Domino must not fall: Don't let local politicians scuttle Brooklyn housing