The Gateway (Introducing “The Best of Gatey” Edition)

Today my regular “Gateway” column will start implementing a new feature already present on Gate‘s Facebook Page, a regular repost from my “Best of Gate” archives. Sometimes,. As it does today, this feature will eschew high quality in favor of pertinence.

Last night, was the NYS deadline for filing nominating petitions for candidates running in primaries of ballot status parties; in honor of what was once a major nite of fun for me (I was the guy passing out the cigars at the Board of Elections after-party), today's "Best of Gate" is a long, mediocre and partially plagiarized O. Henry story about ballot access. Candidate B | Room Eight


The governor just can't help showing his Jewish blood. What would Dan O’Connell say? Gov. Paterson turns to higher power by wearing red string kabbalah bracelet to ward off evil Gatemouth's dictionary defines "shooting fish in a barrel" as the act of fact-checking Reshma Saujani.

Dear, whether the Financial Services sector beer you imbibe is bottled at the PAC-weiser brewery, or instead served to you cup by cup from the individual taps of your Wall Street friends really matters not–an hour later, it's all the same piss.

The question is how easy you are when you're under the influence.

In Carolyn's case, she's mostly been a tease, but surely's she's had enough weekends in Vegas to keep em buying the drinks.

In Reshma's case, the money she's raised beg's the question why they're buying the cow (no, not a Hindu slur, but probably not the best choice of words) when they're getting the milk for free.

The only possible explanation is that it must really be love. Maligning Maloney by Mailer |


The sacredness of "Seniority" may be defensible, but it is at least arguable; there are other values that may equally or better express liberalism, like say, the elevation of "Merit" as a means to deliver to the public the best possible level of services from their government.  

Having this debate within the party is a healthy thing. That means having a few elected offials in the party who have the courage to stand up on the matter.

Gatemouth endorses Jonathan Bing. AFL-CIO Lundahl Endorsement


The New Tolerance Intolerance, part 97.

Money quote:

"Republicans might respond that if they favor Christians, Democrats discriminate against them. But it’s a bogus charge. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid is a devout Mormon; party chairman Tom Kaine is a devout Catholic; some of the party’s leading African-American politicians are pastors. It’s certainly true that if you take the Southern Baptist Convention’s view on abortion and gay rights, you’re less likely to win a Democratic primary in a blue state. But that’s about the political interpretation of religious belief. If you’re pro-choice and pro-gay rights, simply being an evangelical Christian won’t cause you any problems in the Democratic Party. For Nikki Haley in the South Carolina GOP, by contrast, being an anti-abortion, anti-gay Sikh wouldn’t have been enough. Her religion itself was a problem."

I'll add that being polytheistic won't even necessarily hurt a Democrat in a Red State–Buddhist Hank Johnson comes from Georgia. The GOP’s Phony Religious Diversity: Peter Beinart on Nikki Haley


Fox's obsession with this case smell like malarkey; have you been to this neighborhood? Tell me where the intimidated white people are? The supposed DOJ policy not to prosecute blacks when the aggrieved are white


Proof positive of my assertion that if Chuckles Barron were ever elected to Congress, he's be on Fox News every nite. Megyn Kelly's minstrel show – The Daily Dish | By Andrew Sullivan


We end with yesterday’s Best of Gatemouth, which also isn't really that good, but is chosen because it memorializes some examples of and observations about the arrogance of Eric Scheiderman that are well worth pondering. Pants on Fire? | Room Eight