The Jimmy McMillan Show

THE NEW YORK TIMES: Jimmy McMillan, Rent Is Too Damn High

AGE 64 HOMETOWN Flatbush, Brooklyn

OCCUPATION Retired letter carrier for ZIP code 10018 in Midtown. CLAIM TO FAME A Vietnam War veteran, he travels city streets in his car shouting for social justice. A perennial candidate, he was called an anti-Semite during his mayoral run in 2005 for blaming rent problems on Jewish people.


What is it makes people so reluctant to call a Jew Hater a Jew Hater?

As I reported yesterday, After it was reported that French Director JEAN LUC GODARD had said “Palestinians’ suicide bombings in order to bring a Palestinian State into existence ultimately resemble what the Jews did by allowing themselves to be led like sheep to be slaughtered in gas chambers, sacrificing themselves to bring into existence the State of Israel…Basically, there were six million kamikazes…,” the Academy of Motion Pictures Arts and Sciences, set to give Godard an honorary Oscar, responded by saying “The Academy is aware that Jean-Luc Godard has made statements in the past that some have construed as anti-Semitic. We are also aware of detailed rebuttals to that charge. Anti-Semitism is of course deplorable, but the Academy has not found the accusations against M. Godard persuasive.”

I’m not saying Godard doesn’t deserve the honor; they’ve given the Best Director Award to Oliver Stone, so why discriminate against the French? So, unless they’re giving Godard the Jean Hersholt Humanitarian Award, they‘ve got no problem in my book.

But they should stop kidding themselves; the man is a Jew-hating bastard.

But at least Jean Luc Godard has done something worth honoring . By contrast, there’s no reason but pity to withhold the truth about Jimmy McMillan. And given the fact that he seems to have scammed Randy Credico out of a lot of many by selling him a bunch of fraudulent petitions, a sin compounded by the fact it denied us a primary against Chuck Schumer, it seems unlikely that Mr. McMillan deserves such rachmonis.

Last year, I attempted to shame the Times about this, but it was obviously to no avail.

Even Ben Smith will only tell part of the truth. He at least says full-out that Jimmy McMillan blames high rent on the Jews, but he doesn’t say what else Jimmy McMillan blames on the Jews. Here, for instance, are some excerpts from a blurb Jimmy wrote for one of his books, which he no longer links from his “Rent is Too Damn High Party” website.

And here are some extracts from his 2009 campaign website, which I happened to have saved at the time. First, on Jews and rent:

This is true all Latinos/ Hispanics/ Blacks/ Others… as well as every religious group other than Judiasm are being run out of this area. The Williamsburg Section of Brooklyn, NY. Don't take our word go to Flushings Ave and Bedford Ave/ Lee Ave and Nostrand Ave witness the Hate by the people of the Jewish Faith.

Click Here to see "VIDEO" for Jews only

If you are not JEWISH you are “PROHIBITED” from living in this area.

After the world fought hard to free the JEWISH people from the hands of HITLER.

They should be shame of themselves for discriminating in housing against the people in the State of New York especially in the city of Brooklyn.

They are violating every Housing Act written in the constitution and no one will address it because they are afraid they will be called Anti-Semantic and accuse of Anti-Semitism.

Well I JIMMY McMILLAN a Democratic candidate for Mayor of the City of New York is addressing it, call me what you want.

If you violate the rights of someone anywhere – You will violate the rights of everyone everywhere.


Rent Reduction – Rent Freeze – Cap on Rent

Housing Discrimination by Top Elected Officials, and Government Agencies

The Rent Is Too Damn High Founder has uncovered Top level Elected Officials involved in Housing Discrimination with Constitutional Rights of American Citizens are being Violated where if you’re not JEWISH you are Prohibited, and not allowed to RENT / OWN in the Williamsburg Section of Brooklyn, NY. This has been going on for a number of years. The building of ARPHEIDS and Jewish Settlements in the Williamsburg Section of Brooklyn is a reality and the supporters are;
1. Mayor: Mike Bloomberg
2. Comptroller: Bill Thompson
3. Brooklyn Borough President: Marty Markowitz
4. U.S. Senator: Charles Schumer

There are many others who we will put on blast. Including Government Agencies such as:

5. U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)

6. New York State Department of Housing and Community Renewal (DHCR)

7. New York City Department of Housing Preservation & Development (HPD)

8. The Federal Nation Mortgage Association (Fannie Mae)

9.The Federal Home Mortgage Corporation (Freddie Mac)

Also included are members of:
10. The Rent Guidelines Board.

11. The Rent Control Board.

12 The Rent Stabilization Board

They all are working together to commit this evil act of discrimination.

Because of the involvement of so many Elected Officials and Government Agencies we are demanding;

a. The Termination of the said name Rent Boards

b. Mortgage Payment Reduction or Waived, and NO more FORECLOSURES

There is so many things wrong in this City and State of New York, and the information I have listed below is one of them. I have tried for 16 years to release this story only to be labeled by some as being Anti-Semitic and accused of Anti- Semitism all because I let the Forbidden word to part from my lips (JEWISH – JEW).

My investigations on Housing Discrimination led me to the Williamsburg Section of Brooklyn, NY. an area where the complaints of the people had fallen on deaf ears. This section of Brooklyn is known as the Jewish community a Religious group

It is not the fault of JIMMY McMILLAN that evil acts of Housing Discrimination is being committed in that area. The MEDIA is just as guilty just as they are by not releasing critical information to the public.

You can call me JIMMY McMILLAN what you want but…the truth of the matter is there are serious Constitutional Violations being committed against American Citizens BY A Religious Group of people in the State of New York, and I will not be quiet about it.

We Have the Proof

We Have the Evidence

– To Back It Up –

Please give us your support its time to shut it down

Now, let me be the first to admit that buried within this pool of Blood Libel are several complaints of varying levels of accuracy; one need only recall the on-going scandal involving NYC Correction Chaplain Rabbi Leib Glanz to know that one need not be a bigot to complain about acts of favoritism involving Hasidim.

But neither Hasidim nor tangential connection to reality are necessary to the realization of one of McMillan’s many anti-Semitic screeds; take this beauty, which blurbs one of the barely literate McMillan’s many books:

This book is not about the people of the Jewish faith nor is this book about making any personnel attacks or comments about them. At the same time we will take this opportunity to correct some definitions we see as being false and misleading.

This is Jimmy McMillan, The Union of Orthodox Rabbis and

I agree in the New York Times where they published an

article in (c1997) (CLICK HERE) before there were

groups pretending to be Jews in the State of New York

this was before the attack on the World Trade

Center in (c2001). When you look for trouble

you find trouble when you hear the word / name Jew

and or Jewish the importance of the conversation

is no longer important. So then let me help you

get the definition Jew and Jewish correct.

Jew / Jewish, is not a Race it is a Religion.

PLEASE, educate yourself before

you open your mouth.

(Independent Private Investigator) Jimmy McMillan,

Twelve (12) years before the attack on the World

Trade Centers (c1989) I uncovered Al Qaeda's

strong hole operating out of Williamsburg Brooklyn

in the Heart of the people of the Jewish Faith

community using them as a Shield to

commit the most evil act of terror.

The Union of Orthodox Rabbis

Four (4) years before the attack on the

World Trade Centers (c1997) the Union

of Orthodox Rabbis unveiled their identity

by (Casting out 2 Branches that were not

practicing Judaism at all)in the Press (Media)

but the Union of Orthodox Rabbis was

quickly denounced by Jewish Groups not

to be qualified to make such a decision.

And on September 11, 2001 they made there

move. They attacked the World Trade Centers.

If You See Something Say Something, that is what they say it also depends on where you see it. I seen something in (c1989) and the Union of Orthodox Rabbis seen something in (c1997) but because of where we seen what we seen, I were called a crack pot by an employee of the Associated Press and the Union of Orthodox Rabbis were quickly denounce by Jewish Groups of having no power to make any decision and or such comments and remarks.

The fact of the matter is the Al Qaeda operation or network or what ever you might call it could have been broken up if either one of us would have kept our mouths shut and not mention or said the word / name (Jew – Jewish).

During this campaign someone choose to label me Anti-Semantic and An ti-Semite. Let me correct this definition for you just incase you have an educational problem, and difficulties. Someone is trying to make the word/name Jew – Jewish a Race, and that will never happen. This definition must be correct at once. Some damages had already been done but it's not too late to repair what has been done. we must move quickly before the Dictionary and Encyclopedia put the wrong definition in there publications.


Correct Definition: Jew / Jewish, is not a race. It is a Religion.

The Definition in the Dictionary and in the Encyclopedia must read the following;

Jew / Jewish, is not a race. it is a Religion.

A Faith and one who chooses to talk about such can only be considered as nothing if anything Bias, not Anti-Semantic neither an Anti-Semite nor any other definition associated with this term. With a Negro it is different the ancestors of the Negro being Sold on the open market as Slaves by the Prople of the Jewish faith (Religious Group) no definition can be describe that expresses the feelings toward the discrimination within the building of Apartheids and the Anti-Social behavior toward every Religion Group in America.


In this book you will be give the location of the New Home of Apartheids, and the Discrimination that that comes with it this and more is now being carried out within the community of the people of the Jewish faith.

This book will also focus on National Security where the US Senator, Hillary Rodham Clinton is running for President of the United States of America. A Senator who has not and will not denounce the existence of birth Apartheids in the State of New York. She is not the only one who ignoring this ugly episode of discrimination every Elected Official as well, but she is the only one who is running for the highest office of President, and she is not qualified. A presidential candidate who ignoring something magnitude what else will she ignore when our nation is at war.

This Is A Must Read Book

Of the many different religions living together in the State of New York only one is building a Home Base for APARTHIEDS.


You must read this book. We have proof

(TAKE A BREATHE AND RELAX FOR A SECOND; we're back in the world of the sane and lucid)

Let me make clear that this is even worse than it appears. If one is to take McMillan seriously (given his debate perfomance, perhaps not the easiest thing to do), one must conclude from his words and his link that the "fake Jews" he blames for 9/11 are Judaism’s Reform and Conservative movements.

Right now, I’m watching Andrew Cuomo debate four certifiable lunatics. One is the nominee of the Republican Party, so I guess we were stuck with that in any event.

You will notice I exempt two candidates from the term "lunatic." One is Libertarian Warren Redlich.

The other is Charles Barron. Charles Barron only pretends to be crazy, but he is not. However, I will not say the same of anyone who votes for him.

Normally, a prohibitive front-runner wants a debate which includes all the lunatic fringe candidates, so his real opponent gets lost in the shuffle.

But Carl Paladino never wanted a head to head debate. He was dying to give Charles Barron a Statewide forum, hoping that he would cost Cuomo some votes. So rather than trying to shame Cuomo into a one on one debate, he actually tried to shame Cuomo into including Barron, which also meant including the postal ex-postman (McMillan) and the literal prostitute (rather than just the symbolic prostitutes that usually inhabit such forums).

What was Cuomo supposed to say? Please don’t throw me in the briar patch?

So I don’t blame Cuomo alone for the sorry spectacle I’m watching; though it was alarming when young Dybbuk started agreeing with McMillan about children being hungry, and then demanded desert, even though he had not yet finished his homework. Domestic Partner was forced to send Dybbuk upstairs to watch old reruns of Californication.

It would be nice to have a real debate, instead of a circle jerk

Kristin Davis must feel it is amateur night.

But while I will not blame Cuomo for the debate, I will blame him for McMillan.

The State Dems challenged the McMillan/Credico petitions for the Democratic primary, because they did not want to cause Schumer and Cuomo any unnecessary inconvenience. But they ignored the “Rent is Too Damn High” petitions for the general election, because they were having a general election regardless.

But, as Wayne Barrett pointed out, McMillan’s petitions, were fatally defective because he failed to run a candidate for Lieutenant Governor. Carl Paladino took out the Tea Party candidate for Governor on just that basis. Not to mention that McMillan almost certainly followed his usual M.O., and submitted a bunch of blank pages. That’s what he did to poor Eugene Myrick and poor Randy Credico.

Dybbuk just told me that “everything that bald man with the beard said was true” (McMillan was dissing teachers and schools). Jimmy McMillan just said it was OK with him if you married a shoe.

But, what about a Jew, Jimmy?

Thanks Andrew.

I guess we should give Jimmy credit–Barron says the Freedom Party hasn't yet taken a position on footwear, while Kristin says her clients prefer to wear socks.