The Gateway (More Insincere Apologies Edition)

Perhaps I've been a little too harsh on State Senate Democratic Floor Leader John Sampson on the pickle Buffalo's Antoine Thompson finds himself in–(likely loser in the State most prohibitively Democratic Senate District outside NYC); after all Thompson has his own unique leadership qualities, as I reported after the vote on expelling Hiram Monserrate:

More equivocal was Buffalo’s Antoine Thompson.
Shortly, after the expulsion vote, Thompson explained in an interview why he had voted against the expulsion. Thompson said, "I did not vote yes," lamely explaining that because Monserrate is still appealing his criminal conviction, the Senate should have allowed the appeal process to be completed. He said he favored a censure vote, with an ouster effective in June, pending the outcome of the appeal.

But Thompson was recorded as voting in favor of the resolution. Senate sources said the next morning Thompson placed calls to the Senate attempting unsuccessfully to get the vote changed. Ask about these efforts, Thompson said, "I'm not sure about that, to be honest."

“To be honest,” would appear to be a novel concept.

Now Thompson sings a different song.

"I misspoke because I was tired and sick.”

“Sick and tired.” Who could blame his constituents for feeling the same way?



Dumbbell actually seems an apt metaphor Senator Antoine Thompson at his best! (Circa 1987)



Just when you thought things couldn't possibly get worse…‘It’s going to be very interesting to see what Senator Diaz will do.’ – Capitol Confidential



BARRON: "I am not disappointed. We didn't come behind the Rent is Too Damn High and the Madam. That was the media we had to go up against. They had major media and I was whited out from the media. They had major media. The Rent Is Too Damn Guy he was on the front of every newspaper…When you get name recognition and media hype you are going to get some votes. And that's what he and the madam got."

WHATEVER CHUCKLES; problem is you not only ran behind “the madam and the madman” (h/t to Lew Fidler), you also ran behind Howie Hawkins, who would have killed to have gotten 1/10th the free media you did, and Warren Redlich, whose ample free media was all about false accusations he was a child molester.
Barron: 'They Were Afraid Of Us' | The New York Observer



Roger, Halloween is over, will you please go back into your coffin? We do not want to be the Vampire State, and the thing you suck is not blood (OK, not exclusively blood). And please, leave poor Warren Redlich (who kicked your girlfriend's ugly ass) and his family alone. Roger Stone: Political Punditry and Observation from a veteran political strategist



The Governor elect continues his consistent record of minority outreach Cuomo A No-Show At Somos?



The Paladino-Schneiderman voters of Erie County must be law and order types impressed with Tradd’s records as a Deputy Sheriff, or maybe people who like hit and run driving. To show his gratitude, Tradd is going to put a bowling alley in that new annex he's building for Sharpton (the snack bar will sell wings, which should make everyone happy). Searching For That Elusive Paladino/Schneiderman Voter | The New York Observer



Guess whose apartment is going to end up in Carolyn Maloney's district? Michael Benjamin Prepares For 2012 Congressional Run | The New York Observer



People with sweater obsessions Department. The Postman May Always Rings Twice for Lana Turner; but Hank Morris is the gift that keep on giving Report: Hank Morris pleads out – Maggie Haberman



Shooting the wounded: Nadler says Obama guilty of political malpractice



Fine. But the fact that such a website is deemed to be necessary tells you all you really need to know about the nature of HIS problem. WTF has Obama done so far?



No good deed goes un punished; but punished by its beneficiaries? “Sorry Barry, but what have you done for me, LATELY?” How Obama Saved Capitalism and Lost the Midterms



The big ugly RealClearPolitics – Biggest GOP Gains In Statehouses



Be prepared to wait a bit longer to read Gatemouth 95 Candidates Who Pledged Support For Net Neutrality Lost On Tuesday


A favorite point of the first generation of Podhoretz's and Kristols was "you can't let America abandon its commitments to the rest of the world and still expect it to defend Israel. " And they were right.

But these days it is the conservatives who propose to do exactly that.

Do they really believe they are being helpful? Cantor's Foreign-Aid Idea Would Hurt Israel,David A. Harris


I complained about cholesterol during my last visit to Katz's Deli. Sarah Palin Complains About Invasion Of Her Privacy On First Episode Of Her Reality Show (VIDEO)



No wonder the right hates progressive taxation. It was first initiated here by a guy they believe was on the wrong side of the Civil War. Luckily, some one exercised their Second Amendment options. Lincoln vs Limbaugh – The Daily Dish | By Andrew Sullivan



51. Gatemouth on Room 8 50 Reasons to Be Pretty Damn Euphoric You Live in New York City



Can this really be happening? Renew Ruby's Lease – The Petition Site