The Gateway (Rhee-Considering Bloomie Edition)

If Bloomie had picked Michelle Rhee, that would have been an act of guts, vision and audacity; this is merely an act of "arrogance," a trait he usually attributes to his betters.

Hearst Official to Replace Klein at Helm of N.Y. Schools



Elinor Tatum says Cuomo "couldn't have done it without us." Presumably she means black voters, because she surely does not mean the Amsterdam News. Problem is people like her set themselves out as spokes-people for voters whose views were repudiated by the constituencies they pretend to represent. ‘You couldn’t have done it without us’ | The Empire



ROSCOE CONWAY:1st Prize: 1 wk in Buffalo; 2nd Prize: 6 wks in Buffalo. Can anyone doubt that HAVA really stands for: Help Attorneys Vacation Abroad? Or, perhaps: Hire Another Vagrant Attorney? Scrutiny intensifying in recount dispute for Thompson vs. Grisanti – Albany – The Buffalo News



O'Donnell asks Greenwald if there was ever a Congressional Democratic majority he found to his liking, and Greenwald cites the 93-94 session which got decimated by Gingrich's "Contract on America."

Then O'Donnell notes the liberal institution Glen loved so much couldn't pass Health Care Reform, while the pack of Blue D…ogs Greenwald so disdains did.

Game, Set & Match to O'Donnell. When Liberals Attack – Truthdig



Nobody really prefers divided except a few pundits Hendrik Hertzberg: Does the Public Prefer Divided Government? : The New Yorker



Republican slogan for 2012: “Tomorrow Belongs to Me" The Big Lie – The Daily Dish | By Andrew Sullivan



Outside of thing with the Narzis, the most glorious aspect of Churchill's life is how he eventually got hoisted by his own petard The Dark Side Of Churchill, Ctd – The Daily Dish | By Andrew Sullivan



The thesis of this article is that your discarded foreskin could be on your wife's face.

A modern day Pinocchio story? The Market For Foreskins – The Daily Dish | By Andrew Sullivan