The Gateway (Gatemouth is Still Coasting and Avoiding Writing a Real Column Edition)

Sharpton needed to attack the transition team for lack of diversity before it was even announced, so he could take credit for the diversity when he was proven wrong.

Gov.-elect Andrew Cuomo unveils diverse transition team amid complaints from Rev. Al Sharpton



Markowitz's people have tried to portray this incident as an anomalous mistake, but in actuality, it is quite emblematic about the way his office operates.

In the past I've noted more than once the seeming absence of anything approaching intellectual rigor in the statements which emanate from Brooklyn Borough Hall. As I’ve said before, they appear to be “dissembling by means of buzzwords, on auto-pilot, sometimes without relation to the topic at hand.”

I first started worrying about this in 2003 when Markowitz’s office issued a statement during a cultural war in Carroll Gardens concerning a proposed shelter for victims of domestic violence, which was being opposed by a group of delusional bigots, as well as by members of the Scotto family. A statement released by Markowitz said "We are currently evaluating the project to determine whether this is the most appropriate location for the facility." Not “an appropriate location” (a standard one could hardly argue with) but “the most appropriate location” (as if there were only one in the world that would be truly acceptable).

They later sorta apologized. 

Shortly after the shelter incident, there were complaints that Board Six in Brownstone Brooklyn had three members from the same small block in Park Slope, but none from two NYCHA developments which together accounted for somewhere over 5,000 people. Asked to explain the appointments, Markowitz’s then Director of Community Boards, Bob Capuano, stated that the appoints were within the Borough President’s statutory authority, as if that ended the conversation rather than began it.

Capuano was correct, but that was the only reason why we cared. If they weren’t within the Beep’s authority, we’d have been complaining to someone else. We were asking him to explain the reasoning for the choices so that we could determine if we wanted him to continue exercising that power, or whether we wanted someone else to do it. But that question was ignored.  

This is just more of the same. Dear XXXXXX, Marty Markowitz Cares About You and Coney Island. Really. (UPDATED!)



A license to shill. The Challenge for NYC's Next Schools Chancellor – WNYC



My comments on Ms. Black seem to have struck a nerve (item #11)–I didn't even email the piece out to my press list. End Game

Don't believe the hype; blue dogs helped themselves by moving right. Saved by the 'no' – Ben Smith



Who is the magnificent peacemaker who could make Abe Foxman defend George Soros?



Political story with an O. Henry twist. Larry J. Sabato's Crystal Ball » IT’S “OTB” TIME: ONE-TERM BARACK



Goldberg (who, like me, is at the right end of the Zionist left–by contrast, Dershowitz is at the left end of the Zionist right ) says this about Jerusalem: "At prayer, when we announce to God our deep love of His holy city, are we really talking about Abu Dis and Isawiya?" On Building in Jerusalem (And Out of Jerusalem) – Jeffrey Goldberg – International – The Atlantic



He's changing his name to Sheeney. Shyne Finds Order in Orthodox Judaism in Israel