The Gateway (Nydia, Oh Nydia, Say Have You Met Nydia Edition)

This article about Nydia Velazquez as savior of the Brooklyn “Reform” movement gets much wrong every which way.

Nydia has been a constant and unremitting Vito Lopez enemy for at least two and a half decades, and in contrast to the article's assertions, has injected herself many times into races in Lopez's turf, sometimes even running her own staff, when most members of Congress would have just concentrated upon their own business. Supporting Lincoln Restler is not an anomaly for her.

But does this make her a reformer?

Velazquez was originally the political creation of convicted Councilman Luis Olmedo and non-(as opposed to anti-) reform Congressman Ed Towns. She was once so tied to ET that back in the 90s she held up an endorsement of Dave Dinkins’ re-election on the pretext that Latinos were under represented on the Navy Yard Board, and that she be given a slot to fill. Once Dinkins caved, Nydia chose Bill Banks, who is not Latino but was a longtime hack crony of Towns’.

Over the years, Nydia’s anti-Lopez allies have included the likes of hack former State Senator and nursing home magnate Nellie Santiago. When she was running for Congress, her mentors were Marty Connor (not that there's anything wrong with that) and Pat Lynch.

In 1999, Velazquez tried to beat Lopez's blue ribbon choice for Judge, well respected legal services attorney Wayne Saitta, by running someone found unqualified by every Bar screening panel in town; failing to get her turkey on the ballot, she joined with Towns and the Hasids in backing the Conservative Party candidate, landlord lawyer Gerry Dunbar.

It was never about who would make the better judge; it was about showing Nydia respect because she was "THE CONGRESSWOMAN." But the more she demanded respect in that manner, the less she deserved it.

Her non-Lopez efforts at “reform” include trying to impose her husband, a political printer, as a member of the City Council, over the far more qualified Steve Banks, Jack Carroll, Bill DeBlasio and Craig Hammerman.

I happen to think Velazquez has been an excellent member of Congress at the community level, and far preferable to Vito Lopez; but a reformer she ain't. The mysteries of Nydia Velázquez and her powerless ascension



The Commodore makes his reappearance at Nucky's Christmas Party (another reminder of the limitations of the “Anyone But Vito“ movement). The Re-Appearance of Clarence Norman | The New York Observer



What is it that people don't get about cutting taxes when you're running a deficit not being a solution?

And how, Mr. Dicker, is creating a larger deficit the mark of a fiscal conservative?

Shared sacrifice at the very least means that when we cut the budget (thereby cutting jobs), we don't cut taxes for the rich. Tax clash looms for Andy & Shel



Jimmy Mac’s just signed a contract with Craptone. Video: Jimmy McMillan Continues Music Career in Brooklyn – Gothamist



Does Dan Janison read Gatemouth? Or is it just a coincidence that no one noticed the minor party showings until I wrote about them?



City Hall News on Yassky: "Running the TLC was more of a surprise, though his appointment was certainly less controversial than Cathie Black's, it followed a similar line: Yassky's experience with taxis was limited to taking them and taking the lead on the green taxi legislation while in the Council."

This is highly unfair, and the sentence proves it. Yassky has both been a consumer of the system he now runs and has actually sought to improve it. This is decidedly different from Black on both counts.
With more than just an annoying in-ride commercial, David Yassky tries to remake himself and the TLC



Greenfield leaves no stone unturned. The Yeshiva World Greenfield Offers $1,000 For Information On Vandalism Of Brooklyn’s Largest Jewish



Tish James re-enacts her relationship with Rock Hackshaw in dance. The Stars of New York Dance For a Cause



In this article's thread, we learn that the favorite blogger of Brooklyn's Republican insurgents is….Gatemouth (?!?) What Were They Thinking? – A Series on the Brooklyn GOP and Election 2010 « Atlas Shrugs in Brooklyn



Sully think Obama is a Magnificent Tory; he's almost sold me on the concept, and he‘s almost sold me that it‘s a good thing, too. The Tory President – The Daily Dish | By Andrew Sullivan



"Progressives" may want to rethink the idea of a primary challenge. Public Policy Polling: Obama's real intra party challenge



No Labels once again elevates the idea of bipartisanship as the end rather than a means . No Labels Hails Tax Cut Vote



But was there ever really a “Good McCain”?

Perhaps what we remember about the "Good McCain" was in reality the same nasty petulance, but directed towards Dubya and the GOP in the aftermath of his bitter 2000 loss of the nomination. The Bitter Fall of John McCain



If the GOP hates Health Care Reform so much, how come Paul Ryan's Medicare Plan tracks it? Ezra Klein – Republicans embrace ObamaCare, call it Ryan-Rivlin



Haley Barbour's Ugly Hillbilly Pecker, Part 73 (and why would anyone be surprised that Barbour did not find the era of segregation that bad? Besides diminished access to R&B, how did it hurt him personally?) Yglesias » Haley Barbour’s Affection for the White Supremacist Citizens’ Council (and here’s an earlier installment)