The Gateway (Last Post of the Year Edition)

Everyone's in a tizzy because the Jews found gas; haven't they ever been to Sammy's? Big Gas Find Sparks a Frenzy in Israel –



Some thought on President Katzir’s conviction:

1) It makes one nostalgic for the days when Israeli Presidents only committed crimes involving money.

2) At least no deception was involved. 3) Some lefty remarked that this was emblematic of Israel being a “failed state.” Can anyone think of another state where the rule of law is applied so high up? Perhaps, this is the mark of a cultural failure, but on this one metric, the State appears to be doing quite fine. Former President of Israel Is Convicted of Rape



Annals of deligitmization: if you don't map it, it will go away. London University apologizes for map with no Israel



While this video is a bit too pat, ignoring, for instance, the matter of settlements, it seems churlish to complain too loudly when so much of this needs to be said to so many sanctimonious people Why Are You Protesting Against Israel



In yesterday's mail, I learned I am finally at that stage where a portion of my income is no longer subjected to the payroll tax.

How stupid is that? The rich get to pay a lower rate than the poor.

Now they want folks to retire later because people live longer. Of course, the people who live longer are those who can afford to retire earlier. So, in the future, some poor laborer will have to work til 69 (and die at 70) so some rich guy who pays a lower rate can collect til he's 100.

Why not just stop capping the payroll tax?



Dan Feldman says the same thing I've already said. He must be a genius. Obama’s Tax-Cut Compromise — Revisited « Tales from the Sausage Factory



The Smartest Man in America says "Mr. Bloomberg’s defense, then, would appear to be quite thin…mistakes were made during the Bloomberg Blizzard, and they had serious consequences." Bloomberg v. Blizzard: How Strong Is the Mayor's Defense?