The Gateway (Salute to Michael Steele Edition)

I'm missing Michael Steele already Republican Leader Reince Priebus: Execute Obama




Plus, these hilarious cameo appearances:



Frank Rich is usually too earnest for my taste, but he gets every freakin detail here, including many I‘ve cited over the last week; a small sample:

"Obama said, correctly, on Wednesday that “a simple lack of civility” didn’t cause the Tucson tragedy. It didn’t cause these other incidents either. What did inform the earlier violence — including the vandalism at Giffords’s office — was an antigovernment radicalism as rabid on the right now as it was on the left in the late 1960s. That Loughner was likely insane, with no coherent ideological agenda, does not mean that a climate of antigovernment hysteria has no effect on him or other crazed loners out there. Nor does Loughner’s insanity mitigate the surge in unhinged political zealots acting out over the last two years. That’s why so many — on both the finger-pointing left and the hyper-defensive right — automatically assumed he must be another of them.” No One Listened to Gabrielle Giffords



The Forward nails it:

But to categorically state that the tenor of public discourse and the coarseness of public culture had no role to play whatsoever — a point Sarah Palin arrogantly stated in her inflammatory, slickly produced video released January 12 — is outrageous and must be refuted. Yes, individuals are ultimately responsible for their actions. But also yes: A society that extols fighting words, celebrates violent imagery and, most importantly, allows guns in the hands of the mentally ill, shares responsibility, too.” Blood and Blame –



“Perhaps you can say the ideas affected him and whom he killed and the target he selected. Otherwise he may have ended up shooting up an elementary school or a post office or a mall. The fact that the target was the highest official of the federal government near him means it was very likely sparked by something. Maybe the kind of words he saw on the Internet made him feel that behind all evil in the world was the federal government.” Extremist Radical, Or Just A Nut? | The Jewish Week



Just when you think right wing discourse couldn't possibly get any more tasteless; The Washington Times calls the hoo-hah about Palin's use of the term "blood libel" a "pogram."

What’s next; is our little Kulturkampf to be referred to as "Kristallnacht"?

I was so shocked, I nearly missed their reference to Palin as a "conservative thinker," which is surely an exaggeration. Criticism Of Palin's 'Blood Libel' Part Of 'Ongoing Pogrom' Against Conservatives



Despite his genius for bad publicity and bad luck, there was a lot to like about Iman Rauf, and its seems unlikely the change in leadership helps Park51 on the PR side.

Further, one must again wonder whether this project will ever see the light of day.

But in this end, while who's in charge might impact upon my decision to write a check, it is utterly irrelevant to the matter of why so many feel so compelled not to leave these people alone.

We're in America, for Chrissakes! Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf out as leader of planned mosque near Ground Zero: officials



You may never see this again; a NY Post Editorial which is TOO sensitive to minorities.

Sez the Post: "It's inexcusable for her to make jokes where birth rates — always a sensitive issue among minority parents — are the underlying punch line."

But the incident in Lower Manhattan had virtually NOTHING to do with minorities.

The real story is that the City facilitated a vast expansion of luxury housing in the area without providing any new schools, assuming the new residents would either have no children or use private schools.

This despite warnings from the locals.

But many buyers, who often spent their every last cent they had, bought precisely because the public schools in the area were good (while others, who might have used private schools, could no longer afford to do so because of the economy) and now find no slots for their children and the prospect they will bussed far uptown.

This is a failure by Bloomberg (and Giuliani) on so many levels, but insensitivity to minorities is barely relevant. Put a lid on it, Cathie



Saturday’s parsheh:

Joseph stored grain; lesson: storing food good. Jews stored extra manna; lesson: storing food bad.

Very confusing people these Jews.

Shver to be a Yid.