The Gateway (Three Day Weekend Wrap Edition)

Let us not forget that when Dr. King began his career, America was in many of its component parts a de jure apartheid state. By the time King died, though his work was not complete (and is not yet now) America was no longer so.

Many others, black and white, share in the credit (let's start with Thurgood Marshall and LBJ) , and King was surely not the only martyr in a crusade which took the lives of the sung like Medgar Evers and the Philadelphia Three and the unsung like Herbert Lee.

In celebrating King's life and legacy, we honor not one great man, but all those who fought the same battle.



This time Kinsley gets it exactly right; must reading. Opinion: Right wing’s breathtaking bait and switch on Tucson – Michael Kinsley



The old John McCain rises from the dead; if this stuff keeps happening, I'm going to have to start believing in the miracle of Easter. John McCain – After the shootings, Obama reminds the nation of the golden rule



A certain strain of Republicans ideologue is fundamentally unable to admit that it is not about "job-killing" for them, it is about religion. It matters not whether or not a regulation kills or creates jobs, the only thing that matters is that government must be smaller. The opposition to that stream of thought within the GOP are those willing to help certain business interests by any means necessary (and some that aren’t). The Anti-Regulators Are the “Job Killers” | The Big Picture



The more you learn about the Katsav conviction, the more exhilarating the story becomes, until you realize that it's about the President of a country being convicted of rape, and that it is probably the best political news the Israelis will have all year. Is Israel Still a Democracy? – Jeffrey Goldberg – International – The Atlantic



Chutzpah watch: Blackmailer par excellence Ruben Diaz takes umbrage that a politician other than himself would have the nerve to threaten to shut down the operations of the NYS Government. Diaz to Cuomo: Bring It On | The New York Observer



Who by Fire? Roger Daltrey in New York City synagogue on Shabbat – New York Classic Rock Music |



It's finally occurred to me that I've entered the phase in life where everything I once treasured (vinyl lps, Jewish deli, book stores, Reform Judaism, center-left politics, etc.) no longer exists in the form in which I knew them and have instead been reincarnated as hip niche items)