The Gateway (More 54 and Other Stuff Too Edition)

At last, someone writes an article about the 54th AD special election that answers the crucial question of who controls the district's Democratic County Committee.

And as usual, Gatemouth is right: The Dilan Family does (the Dilans are not a wholly owned subsidiary of the Lopez Empire, but Vito is the majority shareholder).

Sadly, the article has a MAJOR FLAW: the County Committee does not fill the vacancy; it merely determines who gets the Democratic nomination, one is still allowed to run on another party's line or petition. And though winning on another line is difficult, one can do so: just ask Melinda Katz, Oliver Koppell or Eliot Engel, all of whom began their careers by doing just that. 

It can even happen in minority neighborhood. Robert Garcia won a special election for Congress on the Republican and Liberal lines, promising to serve as a Democrat.   

Also, the County Committee is called the County Committee. There is no such thing as "The Assembly Vacancy Committee," while a "Committee on Vacancies" is something else entirely, and not relevant to this situation.

Further, contrary to the artivcle, Michael Miller was not appointed to the Assembly in 2009 by a "vacancy committee;" he was victorious against a Republican in a contested election. And Farouk Samaroo actually contested Miller in a primary in 2010.  Brooklyn Assembly Race Narrows To Dilan Inner Circle



Audience asks legislators, “If you could redistrict one person out of your district, who would that be?”

Did Squadron say "Gatemouth?"



The IDC implements single payer health care reform, one friend at a time.

Though I suspect John Samson's shop leaked this one, I am not sure his conference would like to play liar's poker on this matter using their own payrolls. Ditto Mr. Skelos. Albany pols' pals net free taxpayer-funded medical care despite barely working



Deval Patrick: I come to praise Romney and thereby bury him. Patrick lauds Romney for health care law



Sullivan: “Dick Morris's latest poll shows Wisconsin voters…in favor of Walker's specific requests of public sector unions, but unwilling to remove most collective bargaining rights…Why doesn't Walker concede on collective bargaining, declare victory and move on?” Walker's Over-Reach, Ctd – The Daily Dish | By Andrew Sullivan



Like Hertzberg, I support instant runoff voting, but using the argument that "they do it in Hollywood" probably won't play in Peoria. Hendrik Hertzberg: What do the Oscars have to do with electoral reform?



Azi’s back at the Observer. Like Yogi once said, “It's deja vu all over again.” Before Day 1 | The New York Observer