Will Marty Golden and Craig Eaton Repudiate This Hate Site?

As a self-proclaimed centrist Democrat and frenetic critic of progressive nihilism, I’m pretty used to being dumped on by “progressives” with some frequency, and I’ve given as good as I’ve gotten while trying to defend my creed.

But, at some level, it’s always seemed unfair to me, especially given the vehemence of some of the attacks.

Much better to be attacked by crazy right wingers anytime.

As I‘ve previously written, Brooklyn‘s pathetic local Republicans have been engaged in a preposterous blog war.

The rebels, centered around the seemingly dying Young Republican Club, have the seemingly dying “Atlas Shrugs in Brooklyn,” while the Golden/Craig Eaton controlled Regulars have “The Jig Is Up Atlas.” As I’ve said before, “Atlas Shrugs” has the redeeming feature of sometimes linking Gatemouth, but that

hasn’t stopped me from making their leader, Jonathan Judge, a target for well deserved derision when merited, which if he were a more significant figure, would surely be more of the time.

But, as I’ve also noted, it is not merely lack of links to Room 8 that makes “The Jig is Up” the worst blog in Brooklyn. Nor is it the reliably rabid right wing content.

It is the awful writing.

But as bad as the writing always is, it turns out the comment threads on “The Jig is Up” is real the real action is. This is a trait “The Jig” shares with “Atlas,” where all the Gatemouth links are in the threads.

It would not be fair to attribute Ben Smith’s threads to Politico, but in the case of both “Atlas” and “The Jig”, it appears to the trained eye that nearly every post in every thread is the work of the same three people who produce the blog itself.

The first thread I link comes from an “Jig” hit-piece on the Working Families Party.

It would really be hard to get me angry by criticizing the WFP, since I’ve been doing it for at least five years sometimes even issuing blanket calls to vote against all their candidates.

On the matter of the WFP, compared to me, “The Jig” is a bunch of Johnnie-Come-Latelys.

And yet, somehow their thread led into this:

LAMBDA Jim is a Douche: Why hasn't there been any more douche bag nominees?

Room Eight Racists: Speaking of Douche Bags, has anyone noticed that the bloggers on the Room Eight Blog are a bunch of racist communists (sic)? They really are pathetic.

Speaking of pathetic, has anyone noticed that Atlas has them linked to their blog (or what used to be a blog since they only post new stuff every few weeks).

I mean guys like gate mouth (sic) and Rock "the racist" Hackshaw are outright communists (sic). No wonder Judge, Atlas, and a certain Civil Court Lawyer get along with them so well…

Room 9: I thought all of those especially Judge were "Democrats"?

A few comments seem in order, Rock is not a racist, he’s just nuts, and he’s never been a particularly loyal Democrat, and seems proud of that fact.

And, though less proud of it, I’ve been known to endorse a Republican myself, even for state legislature in Brooklyn.

As to the Civil Court lawyer referred to, Jim McCall, he now works in Supreme Court, and he’s a good honest principled conservative Republican,who might even have done his party proud on the bench if Marty Golden and Craig Eaton had gotten off their asses and worked to elect him, instead of taking a dive for Noach Dear.

Concerning Communists, “The Jig” wouldn’t know a Commie if it were sending their mommy to the gulag and nationalizing their Hummer. I’m the guy who criticized Pete Seeger for supporting the Hitler-Stalin Pact and criticized the WFP for using him in an ad.

Another “Jig” thread contained comments which were probably in response to my criticism of “The Jig’s” ludicrous series criticizing local Democrats for not calling for Carl Kruger’s resignation, even though Golden and Eaton are structurally enmeshed with Kruger, and Golden has not called for Kruger’s resignation, despite making similar calls in the past concerning other Democrats.

The thread heats up when an outsider takes a sentence from the piece it’s attached to, a slavish rimming of Marty Golden‘s ample posterior, and makes fun of it.

Since the critique echoes my own, even though the prose is far less eloquent, the “Jig” regulars obviously think it’s me (it actually sounds more like one of the local electeds, though I don‘t think it‘s him either).

Jigasaurus Rex: "this reform minded commentators infinite times great state senator, the always honorable, Senator Marty Golden"

Infinite times great? Guess we have 4 yr olds writing for this blog now.

Talk about suspicious campaign cash. What does Marty Golden need $1 million+ in campaign cash for?

Reform minded? Golden is against re-districting reform and refuses to push for stronger ethics in the Senate; a body that has faced corruption from both Democrats and Republicans alike. He voted to make Pedro Espada the Senate President, in exchange for power and pork money. He supported Bruno for Majority Leader, took money from Leibell.

I smell hypocrisy.

Reform minded? HAAAAAAAAAAA. Keep the cash rolling in at the tune of a cool mil a year. Campaign donations from doctors in Florida??? Sounds pretty suspicious, but you puppets are hardline party hacks towing the party line.


& Gatemouth's Gatekeeper: Somebody nervous about something, must be those crazy, secular, leftists, reading this blog, must be hard to deal with a real Republican blog since Jonathan's blog is for democrats (sic).

Payback's a mofo (sic).

Anonymous: Gatemouth your (sic) a bad poker player, not as bad as your crazy views, but I can't wait till AAA [a “Jig” regular] lay's (sic) the smackdown on your candy a@s (sic), though we know gate mouth (sic) prolly (sic) takes it in…..Fill in the blanks.

Rockshaw: Gatemouth shouldn't play cards, we wouldn't want indecent exposure now….Kiss, Kiss

Though my closet does not include that kind of clutter (not that there’s anything wrong with it) I’m not sure “Jig” really wants to start the conversation about the sexual proclivities of people involved in the politics of Brooklyn, especially those politicians who profess to oppose same sex marriage while preferring surf to turf.

I’ll skip the parts about "blanks" and "payback." I will note, however, that the fact that a line of argument is a can of poisonous worms has never stopped the The Jig" from opening it before.

And, incidentally, no one on the blogs has a longer and more distinguished record of hatred for Carl Kruger than I do; no one.

Certainly not “The Jig’s” Avatars, Marty Golden and Craig Eaton, who refused to support a candidate against Kruger in 2010. As a result, poor idealistic 19 year old Avi Rosenberg had to run solely on the Conservative line, where he received more support from “Communist” Gatemouth than he did from Golden and Eaton who clearly preferred their good friend Kruger.

Will Marty Golden and Craig Eaton , as well Brooklyn Republican wannabees like Fred Kreizman and David Storobin publicly disavow this repugnant den of hypocritical bigots?

The question begs. 

As Always The Truth Has Spoken