The Gateway (Animal Crackers Edition) [The Latest OBL Jokes, Plus a Few Items in Questionable Taste]

News reports indicate that OBL was shot in his pajamas.

Query: where is Groucho when you need him?



To those of my friends on the left (or center) who feel we need a new party; please note that our neighbors to the north now have a right wing government elected with less than 40% of the vote. Analyzing a Sea Change in Canada

And, in Canada's mother country, the refusal to change the “First Past the Post” electoral system assures that the right wing will continue to triumph over a divided left.

Rick Hertzberg is surely crying real tears. British Liberals Lose, Scottish Nationalists Gain



B.C (before CUNY) very few knew or cared about Tony Kushner's rather ill-informed negative views on the Zionist enterprise. Now, thanks to Jeff Wiesenfeld, Kushner is a free speech hero, and his unpleasant views have taken center stage and will acquire a legitimacy they have not earned. Tony Kushner Is Now Likely to Get CUNY Honor



Could there be a more Orwellian named for a bunch of outside agitators interfering and causing dissension in someone else's internal affairs than "Jews Against Divisive Leadership" ? Reform Leaders Defend Jacobs In Face Of Charge He Is Not Pro-Israel | The Jewish Week



Allan West may be from The Tea Party, but he's been drinking some serious Kool-Aid ThinkProgress » Rep. Allen West Falsely Claims China Controls The Panama Canal, Calls It A.



Mathematical formula for Rudy: Trump, minus the humor (and the popularity). Giuliani could be 'talked into' running in 2012



As I predicted, first they come for the Muslim, then the Orthodox Jews become collateral damage (see also). Anti-sharia laws stir concerns that halachah could be next | JTA – Jewish & Israel News



If I were writing for Bill Maher, I'd say: “He's right; why would those kids go to a church when they can see the same thing at home?” Advocate Makes Analogy Between Child Abuse And Gay Marriage



They've gone from Pro-Choice to Multiple Choice (even though they've been subtracting other people's choices) Blog for Choice | The War on Women: The Failure of the False Moderates



Where better to see the details of the Mayor's Budget than on a URL called “Drecchia”? Reaction to the mayor’s budget « Domenic M. Recchia, Jr.



Kevin Parker discusses voodoo, which has virtues as a legal way of channeling his anger.

Ouch, just got a stabbing pain in my left index finger. The Brooklyn Politics Blog



Even before I clicked the article to read it, I just knew it had to be Rafael Martinez. Schools Chief Plays Peacemaker


Like Bella Abzug (who he once faced in a County Committee meeting to select a candidate for a Congressional vacancy), Al Lowenstein was so obsessed with returning to Congress that he kept moving to find a seat he could win. A perhaps apocryphal story is that, after a stint with Jerry Brown in California, Al came back to NY and told an acquaintance he was now an Ambassador at the UN, and the acquaintance responded, "from which country." Tales from the Sausage Factory



The Rocky Raccoon story reaches its denouncement as Lil "Nancy" McGill marries Dan). Anyway, this woman can not make the One After 909 run on time. Ex-Beatle Paul McCartney Engaged to Girlfriend



A sequel to the "Quadropenia" film? Didn't the protagonist die at the end?

If they cast Sting again, this time he will really be a “geezer.” Film industry gatecrashers | Film | The Guardian