The Gateway (Niemoller Edition)

At the risk of shocking people, I find the implicit criticism here of Brad Lander to be as stupid and outrageous as when Bill DeBlasio went after Bloomie for a Neville Chamberlain comparison.

The lessons of Pastor Niemoller did derive from the Holocaust, but the lesson has far greater application.

If we are barred from telling people to empathize with others lest they be next, because we are afraid of being called demagogues, then our society will be deprived of its best anecdote in the service of caring about others.

And that would be an atrocity. City Councilman Brad Lander Makes Holocaust Allusion At Rally Against NYC Service Cuts



"Yeah, and what good will Mike long's line do ya, if you have no district?”

Gate predicted, the shot gun wedding of Marriage and Redistricting is on the table. The Gay Marriage Planner



The case against property tax caps, Part 97. Rescue Policy Changed After Alameda Drowning



Helicopters are always bad for Governors; now when is Joe Bruno gonna pay for his chopper? Christie and G.O.P. Pay Back N.J. for Helicopter Use



Skip to near the end and learn about Anthony Weiner, the “cheesy” hotdog. Meanwhile, Back on Capitol Hill … | Politics | Vanity Fair



The National Journal catches up to an observation I made in December. Maybe by the time they next publish they'll learn it is a redistricting year, and that Noach Dear has some issues of his own. A Republican Surge In Weiner's District – Hotline On Call



Chait on Romney: "As the economist who advised both Romney and Obama said, “He is in many ways the intellectual father of national health reform.’’ This isn’t like Iraq war supporter Hillary Clinton vying for the Democratic nomination. It’s more like Iraq war architect Paul Wolfowitz vying for the Democratic nomination." Chait Vs. Cohn: What Are Romney's Chances? | The New Republic



Executive Director of anti-Obama Emergency Committee for Israel really agrees with Obama, and not his own ads. The Emergency Committee For Israel Was For The ’67 Borders Before It Was Against Them



The liberal media? Mediscare And Elite Bias | The New Republic