The Gateway (“Too Much Monkey Business” Edition)

Chuck Berry, world's keenest political observer, on one particular "Brown Eyed Handsome Man": 

 "Hey, there! Anthony boy, why are you in such a rush?
The girl she wanna talk to you,
Look at him he's-a blush."
Chuck Berry – Anthony Boy 45 rpm!



To me, the idea that loose lips on a Weiner is a bad thing is strictly a matter of personal preference. Rep. Anthony Weiner… Stops Talking?



But did he pull out in time? Weiner Pulls Out of Wisconsin Appearance | PolitickerNY



Unintentionally funny quote of the week:

Fidler on Weiner retaining counsel:

In this gotcha mentality in the world, you do some things prophylactically to make sure.”

I define "prophylactic" as something used to give a schmuck some cover. The ‘Mouth’ goes mute! Weiner humbled in Twitter underwear scandal



Liz asks: “Will John Edwards bump Rep. Anthony Weiner from the tabloid wood?”

Yes, "the wood" is exactly the topic this subject brings to mind. To live by this sword, is to die by this sword.



Weiner may or may not have dropped trou, but in another part of Queens, it was a different elected who was blowing hard. ‘No Actual Evidence’ to Support Halloran’s Claims | PolitickerNY



I've confirmed Colin's report that Debra Scotto, daughter of Carroll Gardens’ self-proclaimed “Mayor Buddy,” is running for District Leader against incumbent Jo Anne Simon.

In a perhaps unrelated story, Simon’s club, IND, has been evicted from its clubhouse in the Scotto funeral home building.

Deb's apparently told people she's been encouraged to run by Vito Lopez. The originally idea was that Deb would divide the IND base to help elect Hope Reichbach, and then Vito would support her for state Senate against Dan Squadron. Sad news necessitated a change of plans, and now Deb is supposedly Vito’s candidate, though perhaps not publicly so.

Memo To Vito: running a developer in the 52nd AD is akin to running the owner of a Bavarian Pork Store in the Dov Hikind’s 48th. The Brooklyn Politics Blog



Yelling at Ruby D probably feels good, and he's certainly lacks standing to complain about the coarse and offensive discourse of others, but JM&J, could not the time spent on such clownishness be expended more productively on persuading undecided than in wasting it on dissing the true believers? NYS Catholic Conference: State Sen. Ruben Diaz Targeted By "Hate Purveyors" In Marriage Debate



The Independent Democratic Conference: on the cutting edge of the issues which really matter (to almost no one). State senator set to issue a legislative subpoena to makers of Four Loko



I support our "actions" in Libya (such that they are), so I oppose Kucinich's resolution.

But Congress has the obligation to say something, and Boehner's resolution demanding that the administration provide detailed information about the nature, cost and objectives of the American "operation" and an explanation why the White House did not come to Congress, seems responsible and appropriate, and I support it.

If only Boehner could be so grown-up about the debt ceiling. House Sets Votes on Two Resolutions Critical of U.S. Role in Libyan Conflict



Well, at least he didn't call her "fat.” NJ Gov. Christie Calls Choppergate Critic A "Jerk"