The Gateway (Color Purple Edition) [REVISED: Chuck Barron and More Weiner Seat News Added]


No Mystery here.

With Weiner gone, Chuck obviously feels driven to make sure he has at least one of his Chicklets in the House Mysterious phone poll has Cusick in House mix



Ulrich declines to run for Congress.

I can't help thinking that this bright young man has blown his one great opportunity to be a conservative cause celebre on a national scale.

Could it be he was afraid of losing?

More likely, he was afraid of winning.

But, as a Democrat, I'm breathing a sigh of relief. NY1: Councilman Eric Ulrich Will Take A Pass On Running For Ex-Rep. Anthony Weiner's Seat



Does anyone in the press know where this district is or who lives here?

Breezy Point, Broad Channel, (both of which will also be having an Assembly race) Ridgewood, Gerritsen Beach, Marine Park.

Significant irish population. Especially significant if you're a Republican.

Why do you think all the windbags from Bay Ridge want to run here?

By the way, can't help noticing how Dear and Hikind would rather walk than run. After City Councilman Eric Ulrich Opts Out, Queens Republican Field For Congressional District NY-9.



Gotta hand it to Liz Holtzman for hiring someone savvy enough to sell the press that her Congressional “candidacy” is anything but a delusional fantasy brought on by premature dementia.

But even the best PR guy in the world ain't responsible for her drawing a Times reporter so ignorant that not only doesn’t grasp the current reality, but thinks she lives in the Bronx because that‘s where her old district number (courtesy of the 1970 census) is today (h/t Christina Wilkinson).

That's just dumb luck. Elizabeth Holtzman Thinks She's Ideal for Weiner's Seat

But one need not be ignorant to get shucked.

Dig the spin Holtzman's press people sold to Liz Benjamin:

"insiders say it would be doubly difficult for party leaders to eliminate the district if it were held not only by a Jew – something community leaders should be sure to fight – but a Jewish woman."

Yes, the Jewish community would fight hard to save the seat of a woman who said "Jews played a critical role in bringing the [Iraq] war about….Why was the only country in the world that would welcome George Bush Israel?The Special Election Timetable



The Peter Principle says that in any hierarchy, people rise until they reach their level of incompetence.

Austin Shafran whose prior service in the field of public relations was as spokesman for the Titanic known as the State Senate Democrats disproves this by keeping on rising regardless. State Senate Dems Spox Austin Shafran To ESD



The differing attitudes of NYC's two Bishops to Same Sex Marriage (Dolan’s resigned apathy and pro forma shrugs of disapproval versus DiMarzo’s declarations of nuclear war) remind me of when South Carolina Senator Olin Johnson leaned over during one of Strom Thurmond’s filibusters against civil rights and said (with some amusement) "Strom really believes this stuff." Brooklyn Bishop Urges Catholic Schools to Reject Cuomo, Legislature | PolitickerNY



White lefties always have an excuse for tolerating the Barrons. "He's progressive," they says, and then they’d come out against Same Sex Marriage.

"He's anti-Lopez," they'd say, and then Inez would vote for Eric Dilan.

"He doesn't engage in the same shifty shell games other pols do."

Yeah, right.

Comparisons to Ridgewood-Bushwick are unfair. Ridgewood-Bushwick delivers actual and verifiable services. Brooklyn City Councilman Charles Barron, assemblywoman wife may have improperly used taxpayer money



For those who complain that I never post any good news, I am pleased to announce that scumbag cult leader and political scam artist Fred Newman is dead.

We may even save some taxpayer dollars. I especially like the part about Fred counseling "at-risk"

youth, since the thing that put them most "at risk" was Fred.

Bonus: Frank McKay reveals his true colors. Remembering Fred Newman | PolitickerNY



A McMillan movie raises the musical question “what took them so long?

Because “THE JEWS” control the movie industry? What Took Them So DAMN Long To Make A Jimmy McMillan Movie?

The movie, we are told, does not deal with how much McMillan pays for his own rent.

Bet it also doesn't deal with his theory that Reform Jews are responsible for 9/11. New Jimmy McMillan Movie to Premiere Next Month [Video] | PolitickerNY



Who said the Jews are leaving Obama?

He's got a 60% approval rating from Jewish voters?

He got nearly 80% of the Jewish vote.

I'd say it's not unreasonable to conclude that someone might have left. Who Said Jews Are Leaving Obama? – Forward Thinking –



Brooks tries an intervention.

Luckily for Brooks he works for the Times instead of the American Enterprise Institute The Mother of All No-Brainers

Deficit of Sense Department:

I never thought I would see the GOP so blithely ignore the business lobby like they have on the debt ceiling.

And I never thought I'd be praying so intently for the business lobby's success



The limits of libertarianism as a practical philosophy (part 782) Motorcyclist Dies On Ride Protesting Helmet Law In New York



How long would Celie and Shug have lasted in Hamas ruled Gaza City? At Sea on the Audacity of Hope



If Sweeney got fucked, he was probably lying back and enjoying it. With enemies like these, Chris Christie doesn't need to make friends | Capital New York