The Gateway (Cheap Trick Edition)

I Want You To Want Me Department:

At Last an answer to the musical question "Whatever happened to all this season's losers of the year?
Ev'ry time I got to thinking, where'd they disappear?"

Bob Turner to speak at a Cheap Trick Concert.

The concert LP will be called “Live at Boob-a-Con.”

Turner would still prefer Aretha.

R-E-S-P-E-C—T. Marty lets GOPer hit the stage




Now it can be told: the 9th CD race is not about Social Secuirty , and it's not about Israel. The really important issue is who didn't hire Yossie Gestetner.  Turner and Weprin Deserve to Lose NY9




A year an a half late  and a dollar short, "The Jig is Up Atlas" joins the Gatemouth Bandwagon and calls Kevin Parker a douchebag.  Democrat State Senator Kevin Parker is a Race-Baiting Douche Bag | The Jig Is Up Atlas




The TU calls partisan redistricting "an insurmountable obstacle to public confidence in democracy," which it very well might be if anyone in the public either noticed or cared. The right way for redistricting – The Observation Deck – – Albany NY




465 Park’s Department employees are being laid off, but greedy, spoiled Brooklyn Heights matrons and Cobble Hillbillies still insist that the revenue for their cash cow on the water come from general funds, or lucrative property being taken off the tax roles before it can even be added. City Readying First Flurry of Pink Slips




Is Sex Ed ideally best taught at home? Perhaps, but I just as soon have someone else teach the lesson about putting on the condom. Sex education to be taught in public schools: Parents give mixed reviews




Chait notes that Republicans do favor some tax increases, provided they only hurt the poor.




Chait, very much on a roll, attacks progressive nihilism (though he doesn’t call it that). Drew Westen's Nonsense | The New Republic