The Gateway (Rubber Duckie Edition)

In 2006, Democratic Congressional candidates took 87% of the Jewish vote; in 2008, Barack Obama took 78%; in 2010, Dems took 61% of the Jewish vote for Congress.

They took only 44% of the Orthodox vote, and only 50% from those who say they talk about Israel every week.

Obviously, other factors played a role, but the dichotomy clearly plays a role in how Obama's nearly 80% of the Jewish has morphed into a 60% approval rating among Jews (and 41% among Jews in the 9th CD).

Explaining Alan West's victory last year against Jewish incumbent Ron Klein, Palm Beach County Florida GOP Chair Sid Dinnerstein said "As you take slivers of the core Democratic strength, those matter…We need one-third of the Jewish vote and [some other fall off of traditional Dem support], and the Democrats don’t win anything

David Weprin is currently polling at 56% among Jews; this is perilously close to the rate where the Democrats don't win anything The Brooklyn Politics Blog



The Weprin Campaign finally notices something I pointed out two weeks ago: that Turner is NOT committed to saving Medicare for those under 55 (pretty much the Ryan position, though he's vaguer on what he does favor).

One must wonder why no reporter has asked Ed Koch what he thinks of this. Weprin Goes On The Attack | PolitickerNY



First TV ad of the 9th CD special election concerns "FELAFEL BASHING."

And just in case one thinks that stopping thousands of five-time-a-day praying Muslims from having a prayer space near their jobs is justified by the controversial location (one must wonder why no reporter has asked Turner how close would be OK?), last year Turner spoke at a rally opposing a Mosque in Sheepshead Bay too–too close to the Hallowed Ground of Lundy’s, I guess–one must wonder why no reporter has asked Turner if there is anywhere in NYC (or America) he would alllow a Mosque to be built.

I’ve got an idea; let's tell Turner that Muslims practice circumcision, and maybe he'll endorse the San Francisco referendum banning it.

One must wonder why no reporter has asked Ed Koch what he thinks of this.

This is what Koch said last year.  'SEND A MESSAGE'



Garry Tilzer puffs Bob Turner's endorsement by Russian media guru Gregory Davidzon, as some sort of coup, even though Davidzon is a seeking the GOP nomination to run for Carl Kruger's State Senate seat.

Yes, Davidzon has been known to endorse Democrats, but almost always in Democratic primaries and races Republicans can’t win.

But when putsch comes to tschove, Davidzon’s GOP all the vay. 

As to Tilzer, I remember 2001, when Gary used his Jewish Press column (as it was then) to puff the Council candidacy of Avraham Wasserman, and later ended up running Wasserman's campaign.

How long before the other shoes drops this time? And will that shoe be laced by Turner, Davidzon or both?  

Tilzer’s deep-throating of Davidzon is especially gag-inducing, given the fact that Tilzer cites with favor Davidzon’s influence on behalf of David Greenfield and Alec Brook-Krasny, two candidates Tilzer demonized as if they were the Antichrist (perhaps not the best choice of words) when he was running their opponents campaigns.

Also cringe worthy is Tilzer’s hailing Davidzon as some sort of grassroots leader, which is appropriate only is one is willing to consider regarding Rupert Murdoch in the same manner,    

At any rate, one must wonder why some “progressive” hasn’t asked progressive hero Tilzer why he keeps puffing conservative Republicans and bashing liberal Democrats. True News: Key Russian Leader Endorses Turner After Positive Poll Results Top of Form



Sienna poll's second least surprising surprise: In 2009, Bloomberg won the 9th CD 70-26; now his favorable to unfavorable ration is 44 to 53.

As I noted shortly after the 2009 election:

“…there is a lot of dissatisfaction from other quarters, not all of them liberal. To try to carve out a middle class existence in a City like New York is a constant battle in which residents often feel besieged by forces seemingly intent upon driving them to embark upon a suburban existence. Some of those forces are beyond the realm of government to even impact upon. But some, like the multiple and manifold forms of taxation by summons, are enough to drive even the City’s most ardent lovers into the arms of another.

I hate Rudy Giuliani liker poison, but he is, in living memory, the Mayor of New York who best understood this phenomena. In this regard, Bloomberg is the Mayor who most does not get it. It is why even worthy proposals of his like Congestion Pricing so drive middle class outer borough New Yorkers out of their minds.

There is out there a great seething resentment, not all of it rational, but much of it quite on the mark, for the sort of clueless lack of concern over this legitimate frustration. And for many, Bloomberg is its personification. In fact, the perception that there is nothing to be done about Bloomberg only fuels the fury of those so afflicted.

I think the secret of Thompson’s good showing was, that unlike the local press, Thompson understood all this extremely well. The problem was that this phenomenon was strongest in our local equivalent of the “red states,” and as Barack Obama has discovered, the fact that people in places like Arkansas and Louisiana have large populations in need of health insurance does not make those people more likely to support a black man who may actually be sensitive to their concerns. Bill Thompson did far better in our local “red states” than anyone expected, but there was a point which he could not get beyond. Perhaps the winner needed to be a Weiner." The Brooklyn Politics Blog



The Adventures of Carl Kruger: Private Dick and Public Nuisance. State Senator Carl Kruger steps into investigation of 15-year-old boy's rooftop death

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I don't know why the State Senate Democrats are heartened by a poll showing public support for an Independent Redistricting Commission.

If Republicans create such a commission, they will lose the Senate.

If they don't, and instead create for themselves a winning map, maybe they will lose some votes (on an issue the pollsters probably had to explain to voters before eliciting an opinion from them on something they cared nothing about the minute before), but even then, they'd still be better off.

This is term limits deja vu all over again.

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Pragmatic liberal Chait attacks liberals for "Magical Thinking" The Two Crises And The Triumph Of Magical Thinking | The New Republic 

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Bert and Ernie best friends?

Sorry, but these guys can barely tolerate each other. I gotta believe something else is going on. Bert and Ernie strictly 'best friends' insists Sesame Street after petition asks for them to marry

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