The Gateway (All That Glitters is Not Goldsmith Edition)

Hesh Rabkin: "How come Cuomo has not gotten any heat for covering up Darryl Towns' arrest for a month like Mike is getting for Goldsmith?"

While much of Michael Powell's criticism of the Mayor seems on-point, Mike Lupica's assertion that the city has no problem touting the arrests of low-level city workers hinges on dismissing Bloomy's argument that Goldsmith’s was an out of town arrest.

Query: Can Lupica prove that the City's ever touted an out of town arrest of a City worker?–Surely there is proof either one way of the other.

While it is never good to get caught misleading the press, my professional history in Domestic Relations, where I've seen some husbands, wives, fathers, and cousins all arrested on charges later proven false, makes me wonder whether if it isn’t possible that the biggest sin here isn't the Mayor's lack of respect for Mr. Goldsmith's due process rights .City Columnists Bash Bloomberg Over Goldsmith | PolitickerNY  



Say what you will, it's sort of a relief for there to be one arrested Brooklyn pol who we know fir certain didn't do anything wrong. N.Y. Councilman Jumaane Williams Arrested at Parade  



Yesterday, I witnessed an ugly homophobic text message that the rightwing AICPAC (not to be confused with AIPAC) sent out to help Bob Turner.

The good news is that they sent if to a Brownstone Brooklyn lesbian. The Daily Background » AICPAC sends illegal unsolicited text messages to Illinois voters  



Last week, the News endorsed Turner, specifically differentiating him from Republican ideologues for his willingness to close tax loopholes; last night, Turner admitted “As a Republican, I never met a loophole I didn’t like,” and could not name one he would favor closing.

Not one. Bob Turner and David I. Weprin in Close Race for Congress  



Turner's opposition to Obamacare turns out to be favoring the same thing, except for eliminating waste and inefficiency from Medicare–on Medicate he favors keeping the waste, but raising the effective age–which is not merely inhumane, but will ultimately lead to higher costs as people postpone treatment until they're covered.  

Admittedly, Weprin’s not much better—he wants to keep the waste without raising the age), but at least he admits he basically likes the program, while Turner’s major problem turns ut to be that it was sponsored by a Democrat. The Brooklyn Politics Blog  



Big shock: NY Post Endorses Republican for Federal Office. Bob Turner for the 9th  



Big shock: "Hikind to Endorse Republican in Competitive Election" is comparable to "Canine Licks its Own Testes" in its level of surprise.

The least we can do is have this hound fixed and take away his Party position.  

Meanwhile,  the Jewish Press endorses Weprin, because when Shelly sneezes they wipe their own nose, just to be sure. Wed., Sept. 7: Democrat Assemblyman Dov Hikind to Endorse Bob Turner for Congress  



An endorsement somewhat less significant than Peter Koo's. Pataki Formally Endorses Turner  



As someone who's spent the week being attacked multiple times by a non-front page blogger for my sin of defending Israel, I still must note that the pro-Israel Goldberg is here essentially calling Netanyahu “a schmuck,” and that I essentially agree. Robert Gates Says Israel Is an Ungrateful Ally: Jeffrey Goldberg  



Chait eviscerates US Today for the stupidest column of all time. Ask Mister Math Person | The New Republic   



The father of NYC political blogging writes blogging’s obituary. Can Politico Win Again? | Adweek