The Gateway [In Liu of Integrity Edition]

No mere glorified bookkeeper, John Liu brings to the Comptroller's office a track record of innovative and dynamic creativity–and he's a hands-on manager who says he's never heavily relied on an accountant or treasurer to handle his campaign finances, overseeing the operation himself: “I’m responsible for my own campaign.”

With him as Comptroller, it should no time before deficits are a thing of the past, as revenues pile in $80 at a time in cash-stuffed envelopes.

Of course, our campaign finance system may have to go Chapter 11. Irregularities Found in John Liu’s Campaign Finance Reports  



Liu goes the Clarence Norman/Hiram Monserrate/Dov Hikind route; his defense seems to be that poor Chinese people (who somehow managed to part with $800) can’t add or speak (even though their culture invented the abacus) or speak English and we are racist for even asking questions (even if we ask them in Mandarin).

Is this the companion fantasy to the non-existent sweatshop he worked in as a child? Comptroller John Liu defends his accounting | Capital New York  



Lucy Koteen is nuts (not exactly news)–why would Bloomie go after Liu?

Bloomberg wants Quinn to be Mayor, and Liu divides the left opposition

If this indeed is a hit with a political origin, the prime suspects would have to be Bill DeBlasio and Bill Thompson.

As if to confirm this, Quinn defended Liu today, while DeBlasio seemingly tried to run away from reporters seeking details on his viewpoint. John Liu Fundraiser Defends John Liu’s Fundraising | PolitickerNY  



I've been fingerprinted at least six times in my life in order to obtain a government job or license, so the only reason I'd find fingerprinting objectionable is if its costs exceed the money it saved (which, admittedly, seems likely). Council's Quinn Still Waffling On "Living Wage," But Not Food-Stamp Fingerprinting (Updated)  



This is great, but incomplete. They've mapped where cars hit pedestrians, and where cars hit bikes, but somehow they forgot to map where bikes hit pedestrians. Watch Your Back… With CrashStat

And by the way Transportation Alternatives is NOT an advocate for pedestrians. When pedestrians and cyclists disagree, they consistently side with the cyclists.  



Stealing from the Independence Party?

Is that like raping Jack the Ripper? Oneida's Dote Pleads Guilty To Stealing Donations  



Like Harry Siegel, I've been a brutally harsh critic of the Working Families Party (not to mention Occupy Wall Street), and little would please me more than the WFP's public degradation and humiliation–but the idea (thoroughly debunked by Siegel) that the WFP's ads for canvassers, which they've been running continuously since something like the mid-nineties, has anything to do with OWS is so preposterous, I thought it had come from The Onion.

Christ, if the WFP were running OWS, there'd be an agenda and an endgame.

The other day, I pretty much advocated that the left send in some grownups (like the WFP) to steer OSW.

In the spirit of equanimity, I now suggest the right find someone to tell Limbaugh and Beck to stop making up lies from whole cloth about the WFP, when the uth about them (and OWS) would be quite sufficient.

Jeez. the truth about them (and OWS) is quite sufficient. Right-Wing Sites Succumb To Silly Occupy Wall Street Conspiracies  





“Progressives” continue to rally around OWS. Khamenei claims Occupy Wall Street protests will topple US capitalism  




TNR nails OSW:

"Wall Street should be protested. Its resistance to needed regulations that would stabilize the U.S. economy is shameful. And, insofar as it has long opposed appropriate levels of government spending and taxation, it has helped to create a society that does a deeply flawed job of providing for its most vulnerable, educating its young, and guaranteeing economic opportunity for all…

But,…the enemy of my enemy is not necessarily my friend. Just because liberals are frustrated with Wall Street does not mean that we should automatically find common cause with a group of people who are protesting Wall Street….

One of the core differences between liberals and radicals is that liberals are capitalists. They believe in a capitalism that is democratically regulated—that seeks to level an unfair economic playing field so that all citizens have the freedom to make what they want of their lives. But these are not the principles we are hearing from the protesters. Instead, we are hearing calls for the upending of capitalism entirely. American capitalism may be flawed, but it is not, as Slavoj Zizek implied in a speech to the protesters, the equivalent of Chinese suppression….

…And it is just not the protesters’ apparent allergy to capitalism and suspicion of normal democratic politics that should raise concerns….all their talk of "general assemblies" and "communiqués" and "consensus" has an air of group-think about it that is, or should be, troubling to liberals….

…we are hard-pressed to believe that most Americans will look at these protests, with their extreme anti-capitalist rhetoric, and conclude that the fate of the Dodd-Frank legislation—currently the best liberal hope for improving democratically regulated capitalism—is more crucial than they had previously thought….

…it is more important than ever that liberals make a compelling case for our vision of America. But we will not make this case stronger by allying with a movement that is out of sync with our values…count us as deeply skeptical."Protests And Power: Should Liberals Support Occupy Wall Street? | The New Republic



The Cain campaign theme song is Revolution #9.

And nein is exactly what I say. VIDEO: The GOP Debate — 9 X 85  



Franklin Kameny was the father (perhaps not the best choice of words) of DC LGTB political activism, and arguably of such activism nationally.

A candidate I once worked for got the endorsement of the Gertrude Stein Democratic Club after he followed my advice and referred to it as Kameny Hall. Longtime gay activist Frank Kameny passes on