The Gateway (Buzzfeed Edition)

OMFG—Mitt calls himself the "P" word. Mitt Romney in Worcester 2002 "My views are progressive"




·         By contrast, Newt has different “P” words, like “Philandering,” (others cum to mind as well) which he equated with “Patriotism,” because his concept of “love of country” is one syllable too long.       

·         But that’s all in the past now.

·        Is there anything less impressive than a serial philanderer turning 68 and embracing monogamy? Newt Gingrich promises not to cheat on his wife if elected | Full Comment | National Post

NoNot for nuthin, but my all time favorite of my pieces details Obama's spiritual journey, such that it was. Mark Oppenheimer: Why Are American Politicians Always Switching Religions? | The New Republic

ScSci-fi fantasy of the week. Jon Huntsman's Path to Victory


Speaking of Sci-fi, Newt (OMFG) embraces the leader of a non-existent people (and gives him advice). Newt Gingrich's Literal Embrace Of Yasser Arafat


"If Obama treated Israel like Reagan did, he’d be impeached." West of Eden-Israel News – Haaretz Israeli News source.

Four across: world's most lovable Jew hater. Twitter / mahoneyw: glad to see that the Rent …



Some marvel at my long memory, but Wayne Barrett's got me beat. Interestingly, Sharpton's most notable incident of "vote fraud" is strikingly Republican–manufacturing the appearance of fraud where it didn't really exist to deprive the people of their choice. But, then again, this is a man who backed D'Amato, Pataki and Guy Velella, so it sort of makes sense. No wonder Roger Stone, who closed down the Dade recount, was the guru of Al's Presidential campaign. Al Sharpton’s Past Ties to Vote Fraud Taint His Fulminating

I dunno what that big deal is that Rev. Al was paid $242,000 by his Not-For-Profit. He could have made more money at Ridgewood-Bushwick. Rev. Al deep in the red




At last, Liu finds a politician willing to pose with him. John Liu and Vito Lopez, festive | Capital New York



It would be wrong to call Ravi Batra corrupt, but it is indisputable that he attaches himself to power in the manner of flies and excrement–which would seem disqualifying for a member of commission to root out corruption–though perhaps not quite as funny as John Sampson getting to make such an appointment.

I posted this this morning on Wonkster: "Though I may be wrong, I’m not so sure this is Vito’s contract. As far as I’m aware, Batra’s not really his personal guy."

In fact my guess is that Vito probably doesn't like him.

Hesh Rabkin agrees: "I saw your response on Wonkster. I agree with you. I have never seen Batra at any of Vito's events and never heard him mentioned by Vito even once. I think this was Restler or one of his cronies feeding a gullible goo-goo. Like Newell got the press to act like Reck was as close to Shelly as a Rapfogel." Gotham Gazette – The Wonkster » Blog Archive » The Controversy Over Ravi Batra

No matter how high and far Ben Smith rises, he will always be the man who provides a forum to Vincent Nunes 
More importantly, now I'll never get another link on Politico.

I kid Ben Smith—with bounteous love. Good luck kid (and don’t forget your friend Gatey). Politico’s Ben Smith to Teach BuzzFeed How to Report