The Gateway (Ignoring The Elephant In The Room Edition)

Heart attack?  
It probably just atrophied.

The passing of the world’s best leader is quickly followed by death of the worst. Runner up to Osama on my people who will not be missed list (poor Guy Velella was left in the dust).

And I didn't even know Kim Jong was ill.
Kim Jong-il, North Korean Leader, Is Dead at 69


Goldberg calls upon Israel to throw the book at violent settler thugs. Will Israel Declare War on Violent Settlers?: Jeffrey Goldberg



Probable Translation: The Zalis are going for Romney. Influential Rabbi Condemns Those Who Criticize President Barack Obama



Chait shows advocates of religious displays on public property being hoisted by their own petards. The War on Christmas: Be Careful What You Pray


Chait: "Paul’s supporters seem to believe that the media ignoring him is the only thing keeping him from challenging for the Party nomination. More likely, it’s the only thing that’s allowed his candidacy to progress to this point. If more people actually understood the full scope of Paul’s fringe-right views, a huge portion of his support would peel off."  No, Really, Ron Paul Cannot Win



Me thinks the lady doth protest too much. Ball, Katz fight on Facebook | Politics on the Hudson

Dicker: "Other losers include…Senate Minority Leader John Sampson (D-Brooklyn), who has yet to convince insiders that he has the brains, talent and work ethic to ever be majority leader.

Also, Senate Majority Leader Dean Skelos (R-Nassau), who has yet to convince insiders that he has the brains, talent and work ethic to remain the majority leader.”

Gate: Unfair to Skelos; Dean has exactly has the right amount of brains, talent and work ethic to remain the majority leader, provided the Democratic Leader is John Sampson. Winners and losers of the year gone by


A Linda Richman/Coffee Talk moment: discuss among yourselves.

I'll start the discussion. In 1982 Shelly got rid of most of Alphabet City/Loisaida, trading it for some of Lower Manhattan. In 1992, he got rid of even more Latino turf, trading it for more of Downtown.
The Common Cause plan gives it all back to him. And life has now evolved to the point where Shelly would be better off taking it all back and getting rid of Lower Manhattan. Common Cause Has Some Ideas For LATFOR
Usually I laugh when I see a poll taken where a matter of fact is treated as a matter of opinion, but in this case it is the press which is confused. A tx for the rich was expiring. At the last minute, a different tax was put in its place. It is only a tax increase on the rich if one ignores the fact that almost all of them will be paying less in taxes than they do currently (and ignore the other tax cuts as well). New York State (NY) Poll * December 20, 2011 * New York Voters Confused By Ta – Quinnipiac Universit




DeBlasio proves he is more interested in making hey from the Living Wage Bill than he is in passing it. Living Wage Advocates Knock de Blasio for Playing Politics On Bill



Even without the dress (perhaps not the best wording), Allen Roskoff is still a drag. Is Bruce Springsteen about to dip into a new jean pool?




And, yes, I do know that there’s another story lurking out there, and that I’m ignoring the elephant in the room (even if he does dress in donkey drag).

As with reapportionment, discussion will occur in due time.

Meanwhile, talk among yourselves.