The Gateway (Judging Them By The Content of Their Character Edition)

State Senate candidate Storobin has proved himself so beyond the Pale (and I don't mean "of Settlement") that I almost ignored this story for fear that pointing out he said despicable things about Obama might help him.

And, as it turns out, I did the right thing for the wrong reasons. 

Storobin did not tweet hateful things about Obama (at least not those hateful things—Storobin’s Facebook posts about the President include some real borderline stuff). A supporter of his did so on his behalf.

But one see why the assertion is so credible, given the Facebook posts and other stuff he did write and now hides.

Further, given, it is no surprise that he attracts hatemongers to his candidacy. Brooklyn Senate Candidate David Storobin Tweeted Obama Muslim Reference [UPDATED] | City and State





Oy. An Orthodox blog joins the Storobin clusterschtupp.

Bonus. A picture of Storobin, who portrays his opponent, Councilman Lew Fidler as the devil incarnate for voting vote for a downwardly modified version of the Bloomberg proposed property tax hike enacted in the aftermath of 9/11 (which Fidler helped to reduce, both before and after its passage) proudly posing with the Mayor whose policies he supposedly finds so repugnant.
Storobin's Blog Trail Vanished; Fidler: Smacks of Weinergate | Orthodox Pundit: News & Political Ana





Brooklyn Councilman Lew Fidler is kicking off his Senate campaign today – in Manhattan. While an event on the City Hall steps may maximize press coverage for Fidler, it gives the Senate Republicans an excuse to do what they are expected to do throughout the race for convicted former Sen. Carl Kruger’s seat: paint Fidler as an insider running against an outsider, Republican attorney David Storobin. That’s something Republicans did to great effect in the congressional race last summer between Democratic Assemblyman David Weprin, the scion of a political dynasty who had run for three other offices in preceding years, and Republican businessman Bob Turner, who scored an upset win. “Just like failed Congressional candidate David Weprin, politician Lew Fidler will kick off his insider campaign surrounded by other professional politicians, the party bosses who handed him the nomination, and the wealthy special interests who will bankroll his latest run for office, but nowhere near the hardworking men and women of the district he’s running to represent,” said Senate Republican spokesman Scott Reif. Fidler campaign manager Kalman Yeger replied with a reference to Storobin’s controversial online writings: “If Mr. Storobin could get 300 community, civic and religious leaders to join him at City Hall he would too, but since he’s recently deleted most of his past blog posts, his following has shrunk.” Heard Around Town, Jan. 16, 2012 | City and State




A note: The cached text previously published here the other day containing the list of David Storobin's articles on "International Analyst Network" has now disappeared. International Analyst Network




Storobin's stuttering demagoguery and egomania in front of the Brooklyn Tea Party is far too painful to watch over 24 minutes of (spare yourself the Horatio Alger story and start at minute 17)–although it is mindboggling that a mainstream candidate would spend so much time in front of a group who's chair supports Marcus Bachmann style reprogramming of homosexuals (see how well that works).


1) Storobin tires to paint all local Democrats as criminals, Citing the statistic that 4 out of the last five Brooklyn Democratic Leaders have went to prison.

I'm not sure he's counting Vito Lopez, who, whatever his problems, has yet to be arrested, so let's go through the five before.

I only count one; Clarence Norman.

Howie Golden's record was clean. Meade Esposito was convicted, but did no time; Stanley Steingut's was indicted on some Mickey Mouse charge which was thrown out, and Tony Travia served honorably as a Federal Judge.

Not a wonderful record by any means, but hardly 80% doing hard time.

2) In that same vein, Storobin wonders how Carl Kruger, given his income, could have bought a mansion without raising any suspicions among local Dems.

Well first of all, how could the local GOP, who also were known to give Kruger their line, not have noticed as well?

But in fairness to both Parties, Kruger lived not only with a woman making over $100,000, but two, count em, two, gynecologists, so perhaps it wasn't really that implausible.

3) Storobin makes a big deal about Borough Park being cut into five senate Districts—something done by the GOP to benefit the GOP, over loud Democratic protests. He also states that every Senator who represents Borough Park voted for same sex marriage.

Will Storobin apologize to Marty Golden?

4) Storobin complains about "politicians ignoring their voters" but within a minute declares that politics "is not about coming here and telling you what you want to hear?"
Which is it?

I'm not sure he's counting Vito Lopez, who whatever his problems, has yet to be arrested, so let's go through the five before.

I only count one. Clarence Norman. Howie Golden's record was clean. Meade Esposito was convicted, but did no time; Stanley Steingut's indictment was thrown out, and Tony Travia served honorably as a Federal Judge.

Hot a wonderful record by any means, but hardly 80% doing hard time.

2) In that same vein he wonders how Carl Kruger, given his income, could have bought a mansion without raising any suspicions of local Dems.

Well first of all, how could the GOP, who also were known to give Kruger their line, not have noticed as well?

But in fairness to both Parties, Kruger lived not only with a woman making over $100,000, but two, count em, two, gynecologists, so perhaps it wasn't really that implasible.

3) Storobin makes a big deal about Borough Park being cut into five senate Dsitricts—something done by the GOP to benefit the GOP, over loud Democratic protests. He also states that every Senator who represents Borough Park voted for same sex marriage.

Will Storobin apologize to Marty Golden?

4) He complains about "politicians ignoring their voters" but within a minute declares that poltiics "is not about coming here and telling you what you want to hear?"

Which is it?David Storobin in front of Brooklyn Tea Party 1-8-11





Rumor is that Dan Squadron thinks I hate him and wants to figure out a way he could get to me.

Dinner at the Queen would be a start (he could bring Liz; if I can bring Domestic Partner)–but stopping the bullshit re: Brooklyn Bridge Park would be even better (though I'd still take the dinner). Squadron Hauls In $133,000 For Possible City, Borough Run




I'll take Colin's word that Robert Cornegy is the guy in line to succeed Annette Robinson in the Assembly. I would have thought it would be Annette’s son, Taharka. Sources: Annette Robinson To Retire





GATEMOUTH ENDORSES STEVE OTIS! Oppenheimer Aide And Former Rye Mayor Eyes Assembly Seat



I'm glad Bob Turner is going to Israel, so he can learn why Bibi supports the aid to the Palestinian Authority Turner opposes.

My problem with the trip is that Turner plans to come back. Hamodia – The Daily Newspaper of Torah Jewry