The Gateway (Warren Redlich Remembrance Edition)

Mitt contradicts himself before he finishes the sentence:


"This week, President Obama will release a budget that won’t take any meaningful steps toward solving our entitlement crisis … The president has failed to offer a single serious idea to save Social Security and is the only president in modern history to cut Medicare benefits for seniors," From The Annals Of Chutzpah



Romney losing Michigan should be as unthinkable as Romney losing Utah or Massachusetts, yet the polls show he's getting his clock cleaned.

Praise the Lord and pass the Santorum! Santorum up 15 points over Romney in Michigan | Campaign 2012 | Washington Examiner




Ben Smith attacked by a douchebag in a bowtie. Tucker Carlson takes on the media




As opposed to douchebags with a Nixon tattoo. Roger Stone leave the GOP; who says they had no good news lately?


Someone should really get Warren Redlich's reaction.


You don’t remember Warren Redlich? He was the Gubernatorial candidate in 2010 for the Party Roger just joined (the Libertarians), but after encountering Roger, he packed up and left the State.


Wonder why?

Here’s a Gateway Post from the end (11/1/2010) of the campaign which might shed some light:

Dear motherfucking fuck: Fuck you, you motherfucking fuck. And drop dead.”  

I share the sentiment, even if I think the language too mild. Redlich’s wife’s letter to Stone on ‘horrific smear’ – Capitol Confidential UPDATE: This link includes Stone's response, which contains these reprehensible comments:

"Many in the Libertarian Party are aware of Mr. Redlich's "exotic " views on sex with teens. His comments are not erudite, or clever or cosmopolitan. As a man with two granddaughters I find them repugnant.

I reject the liberal media characterization of his offensive words as clever because I found them lascivious"

Roger Stone objects to lascivious? Who has less standing than Roger Stone to object to something lascivious? Xavier Hollander? Al Goldstein? Larry Flint? No, they are at least consistent.

 Only the Boston Strangler and Jack the Ripper have less standing.

Leaving The GOP: Roger Stone Edition




Ed Towns’ statement on the late Ms. Houston:


Somehow, I have a tough time believing that Ed Towns ever rocked out to Jim Morrison or Amy Winehouse (even if she did record with Sharon Jones' Brooklyn based backing band), but I must say he's dead on about the highly underrated Cissy Houston. Press Release of the Day: ‘Congressman Towns Reflects on Whitney Houston’s Death’

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Politico notes there are eight paragraphs about Whitney Houston from a Congressman who never put statements out on the foreclosure crisis, the national health care debate or the Supreme Court ruling on churches and public schools. Ed Towns' eight-graph's on Whitney Houston

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Goldberg: "Visits by Chinese artists seldom, if ever, provoke widespread calls for boycott, even though China is engaged in a systematic campaign to wipe-out Tibetan culture, and, more to the point, Tibetans. Only Israel is scapegoated."


Wonder why that is?  The Israel Double-Standard, 'Merchant of Venice' Edition




Speaking of anti-Semitism, a hate blogger calls me "an honorary kike"


Bigoted AND stupid must be a horrible way to go through life. Anybody know anything about this guy?